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Wasn’t that fun?

• CATEGORIES: News This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

I’m happy to report dad has some kind of blood infection that a couple antibiotic doses seem to have solved.  It’s amazing how big a difference that made, turning him from a near zombie into his normal self.  So, another crisis averted.  Onto the next one.

Ask and ye shall receive (another crisis that is) . . . for as I rejoiced over dad’s sudden turnaround this afternoon, I checked ewillys on my phone in the hospital room only to discover my webhost has once again suspended my account (3rd time in a year) for a database spike.

So, if you wandered over to the site and found the subtle “ACCOUNT SUSPENDED NOTICE”, that’s why it was there for about 5 hours today.  And when they suspend it, they suspend it all.  Everything gets turned off, including my email and my access to fix any problems.

The support folks at my webhost have convinced themselves that I understand some of the esoteric details of mysql programming, despite my emails to the contrary.  Over the past few hours, emails have been exchanged in which I indicated that I could neither replicate the problem nor understand exactly what the problem was.  Their response is ‘you have 24 hours to fix the problem’.

I’ve concluded it is kind of like working with the Idaho DMV (see post below if you don’t understand that reference) . . .

UPDATES will start about 9:00ish pm PST.

BTW, if you wander by the site this weekend and it is down again, it’s because I’m moving the site to a new webhost.



3 Comments on “Wasn’t that fun?

  1. stephen lee adams

    WOW. Now you can see the NWO’s idea of Real ID. It is that little magnetic stripe which will get you. So much for the right to travel freely. Ever wonder where the information goes when whomever swipes your license into that database? Ha. Now you can be tracked with your cell phone. Or, the “officials” will just secretly xray you on the highway, just to see you naked or what you may be keeping in your vehicle or on your body, all unbeknownst to you. Keep a little lead sheet covered box for your phone if you don’t want that happening. Maybe a lead covered flat fender Willys would work? Oh, I forgot about the satellites. Sorry. Can you imagine our grandfathers putting up with this kid of crap?? We now have a society for which our fathers would not even imagine, and one for which they would be sorry they ever fought the wars for. You used to be able to buy a gun at Sears and walk out with it, carry any weapon freely either openly or concealed, and you had real silver in your pocket. This was all in my lifetime. Ask yourself, where did that coinage go? Who dried it up and made it be eilminated from your pocket or purse? Just try to take a photo of a bridge, national monument, or a cop for that matter. Hunker down, and keep your flat fender full of fuel for those journeys into the hills to shoot some food. Idaho has fallen already into the quicksand abyss of centralized power over the individual. Imagine the signs welcoming you into certain counties in Idaho: BUILDING REGULATIONS STRICTLY ENFORCED! What a nice welcome. Building inspectors will be driving tanks soon, I am sure. Don’t forget, we are paying these civil “servants” to do this work! I am absolutely appalled at what is going in in our states and nation. I can tell you are too. Thanks for providing and monitoring ewillys, and sharing with us all the information we so gladly suck up. You are a great individual, especially in supporting your father in your presence for him. Thanks, S.

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