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Paying for a Stolen Jeep in 1944

• CATEGORIES: Features, Old News Articles This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Steve found this unusual article about a soldier that lost his jeep and trailer. As punishment, his pay was docked by the cost of the jeep. Here’s a link to the original article.


But, not everyone played by the book. Here’s a story Steve found about a soldier who wasn’t going to put up with following the rules. It was copied and posted here:

A Soldier Strips the Romance out of Life at War
Post #188 Note:- Gen. J.C.H.Lee was known to Combat GIs as 
J***S C****T Himself!! Not affectionately!!

A few days after I made the above post I recalled an incident
I was involved in Paris that showed the real difference between
their life and it’s absurdity that the Army allowed to exist.

A man in our unit was located by the Red Cross so that he
could be returned home as one of his brothers was KIA and
another lost his right arm and since the family was a farming
family he was needed more there than in the ETO.

I was ordered to take him to Paris for out processing by the
BN CO and the BN CO was a friend of the Officer in Charge
of this function. Four of us set off in a jeep, the man, another
to make the return trip with me and an Intel Officer that was
to be reassigned.

As we approached the inner city we were stopped by MP in a
perfectly GI Class A Uniform complete with white leggings,
white Sam Brown belt and holster an even white gloves,
Believe me he was a sight to behold and one I had never seen
in the ETO before this.

As we passed he blew his whistle and motioned us to the side
of the street and strolled over and proceeded to tell us we were
to be arrested as we didn’t have on Class “As”, our jeep needed
to be washed and we were to follow him to MP HQ as we were
under arrest. Every time I tried to explain where we had come
from he told me to shut up and follow him. Unfortunately he had
not noticed the Intel Officer was a Capt. and when told by the
Capt. to come over to his side of the jeep he told the Capt to
shut up!! I didn’t have my “Top” Chevrons on!!

Finally the Capt.. stood up and his Officer’s insignia was evident
so the MP walked around to the side of the jeep.This jeep had a
rifle boot we had gotten from an Armored Unit. When the MP got
right up beside the Capt. The Capt. pulled out the Carbine from
the boot and stuck it against the chin of the MP whose face
then became as white as his fancy MP gear. The Capt. said he
was going to shoot the MP if he didn’t disappear ASAP(that’s
the clean version of what he said) and he was capable of doing
this as that was one of the reasons he was being reassigned –
close to being a Section 8.

Since we were now on our own without the MP to contend
with we continued on our way.

After he left, I checked and there was a round in the chamber
of the carbine.

Oh I forgot the real punch line:_
>From the comments section. The contrast between the front and Paris must have been amazing. Regarding the the story about the lost jeep, it looks like the officer who had to do the official charge was caught between common sense and orders from above to find a solution.


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