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December 16th Update

• CATEGORIES: News This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

The new owner of the site and I have signed the transfer of ownership paperwork. The new owner will make an announcement once he’s ready. We are awaiting one change on my web host’s side then the site will move to the new webhost. There may be downtime of a couple days, so don’t worry if eWillys is offline for a couple days.


17 Comments on “December 16th Update

  1. Ryan

    Every chapter has a beginning and an ending. Onto the next one.
    You’ve made this a great place and I hope it continues.

  2. lance wallerstedt

    your website has brought me countless joy and entertainment over the years as well as 3 jeeps. appreciate you more then you’ll ever know, i hope the next owner has the same passion as you. Have a great day

  3. David Eilers Post author

    Thanks for the kind words guys.

    Mark: plenty of winds and rain around us, but we didn’t get hit too bad. We haven ‘t lost power, but do have a small leak at one of the top corners of our sky light. We plan to have the roof reroofed next spring, so I got the area covered with a tarp (very classy, lol). I’ll come up with a more semi-permanent fix soon.

    – Dave

  4. Bob Johnston

    I have enjoyed ewillys for several years, i now own 2 1952 m38s, 1 m38 a1 a 1991 Humvee and one Iltis, thanks for all your hard work. Bob

  5. Srivatsan Parthasarathy

    Dave – I found my CJ-3B through your website from a real nice gentleman (ex-Marine too!) from Arizona . I am still restoring it, but this was one of the few places that made me happy to visit. All good things must come to an end, but I hope the new owner(s) keep it as good as you did over the years, with focus on the Jeeps and not on ads/merchandise/whatever.

    If you are ever down in Oregon, I’d love to get some beers with you. You have my email (we’ve chatted little before). Good luck in your next adventures!


  6. Greg

    Best to you in your future Dave. Your site was the spark that ignited an entire movement. I appreciate all your efforts and the many contributors over the years. I look forward to seeing the next phase.
    Thanks for all you have done for the community.

  7. Todd M

    Dave – This site felt like it was run by a friend to all Willys people. I hope it continues. Please keep your eyes on posts as I know the rest of us will keep reading. Have a great Christmas.

  8. David Eilers Post author

    Again, I have to thank everyone for the kind words. I couldn’t have done what I did without everyone’s support.

    The new owner of the site and I have signed the transfer of ownership paperwork as of today, Dec 16th. The new owner will make an announcement once he’s ready. We are awaiting one change on my web host’s side then the site will move to the new webhost. There may be downtime of a couple days, so don’t worry if eWillys is offline for a couple days.

    Merry Christmas everyone!

  9. Barry

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! This is great news, but more importantly, I know you are still going to be a part of the Willys’ World – and always will be.

  10. Doug Keeler


    eWillys in 2020 ultimately led me to travel from Oregon to Colorado (twice!) to buy a 3B with only 15,000 miles from the original purchaser. It is the sweetest thing I’ve ever owned!

    The site must have been a ton of work for you. We applaud your commitment to the effort and I always felt eWillys was just too good to be true. Thanks for working out a deal for it to continue.


  11. L Beck

    Dave, I havent written on here (or OWF) for some time. Just became too busy. BUT, this site some years ago led me to find a CJ2A Farm Jeep that is now a Farm Jeep once again, only for us. Its really a useful machine, front PTO winch and rear PTO drive shaft and belt drive pulley. We use both. Its also a great runabout and water wagon. The useful capabilities of this would make a long list. If not for this site and your efforts, I would not have found this and we’d still be needing another work horse. Thank you for your efforts and good luck in your future.

  12. Illinois Larry

    Thanks again Dave for all your work over the years. Also glad to hear the site will continue. Hope to hear from you occasionally on the site. God Bless, you and Ann stay safe and healthy

  13. David Eilers Post author

    Thanks again guys. I expect to be around some, as I’ll be doing what I can to get the new owner up to speed. We’ve had a delay in the transfer of files to the new server do to a few hitches with the current web host, but we’ll work through that.

    – Dave

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