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Happy Holidays!

• CATEGORIES: News This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah, not often they start on the same day but we celebrate Christmas in our family and have many family and friends who celebrate Hanukkah.  I think anytime you can take a break and disconnect from the day to day it’s a great time of year to spend with your family and friends.

I looked through my phone gallery looking for something to post, I can always toss up a photo of Willa Dean or the Red Wagon each have been our Christmas cards over the past two seasons. But probably my favorite Willys event of 2024 was the Great Willys Picnic. (Way too many pics to choose from!)

So here are some shots I took at the Picinic it was a wonderful turnout of over 90 Willys and a great drive out in Willa Dean, got to connect with a few folks from over at OWF and spending that time with folks.

The overall venue is awesome, lots of things to see outside of the Picnic there is the WK&S Train Ride, Wanamaker Kempton and Southern Railroad. It’s very nice operation and took some time to check out the station, gift shop, and food. Talking with some of the volunteers on how they got involved and it’s quite the family and friends operation.

My ride over is all back roads from NW NJ I crossed at Belvidere and shot out West you ride the hills of NE PA. Having never taken some of these roads before it was an exciting ride for me, Willa Dean has her original column shift and  L134, it really is a time capsule, in total looks like Google recorded 121 total miles for the trip.

If your looking for a trip to the NE this is a great June event. Lots of work goes into this one.

The Great Willys Picnic Facebook Page

CJ3A Picnic Page

Hope everyone has a great holiday, Tim









4 Comments on “Happy Holidays!

  1. SteveK

    Thanks for sharing the pics. Sounds like a great event for the bucket list some day.

    Happy Holidays ALL, and thanks to Tim and friends for the ongoing eWillys connection.

    Let’s hope for a SAFE and HEALTHY NEW YEAR!

  2. Nate

    Hi Tim, glad to see you took over the site. I think we met at the Great Willys Picnic. My jeep is the green 3A with the US Forest Service on the side flexed on Bam Bam.

  3. mmTimD32 Post author

    Thanks SteveK, yes it’s a great event, highly suggest any of the Willys events, there is typically something close by most of us between one of the Reunion’s or the Picnic, there are tours out West, so many events, we are lucky to have so many places to go.

    The nice thing with the Picnic is the timing you can drive in and out in the daylight, and there is room for trailers if you are coming from afar and can’t drive there.

    Nate, we did meet at the Picinic, what a great event you guys put on! So many great rigs and people to talk too. The diesel CJ’s, Jim’s 1948 Dump Body still in the family, the other Dump Truck pulling a Willys all the way from MD maybe. Was great to meet Bill and see his Dispatcher set up in person. Such a fun environment. Too many to list and will leave someone out for sure.

    We had a small group from OWF that started planning our trips out in middle of Feb we were discussing the ride out, but we all are from much different areas.

    My ride home you take the back roads kinda like your heading to Walcks but you make a right and not a left at maybe 309?, then there is this really steep hill you take to the left to head over the “mountian” not quite like anything out west but this was fairly steep for around here, that was probably my biggest adventure if the little L134 had enough steam to get back up that thing, we did it. Caught the lights at the right time and she chugged along back up to the top.

    I did not see any 230 Tornado powered rigs last year, so I’m thinking I need to bring out the Red Wagon in 2025. (The HF predator CJ’s were really unique, so even if you think you have something different there is such a vast collection of stock to wild that shows up)

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