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Bulletin & Mechanics Manual for Willys Supercharger

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Here’s the Willys Service Bulletin that announced the Kaiser Willys Supercharger, along with the manual and a few pics of a super charger at the bottom of the post (from a 2014 post).

1955-01-06-kaiser-supercharger-service-bulletin1-lores 1955-01-06-kaiser-supercharger-service-bulletin2-lores 1955-01-06-kaiser-supercharger-service-bulletin3-lores

Kaiser Supercharger Manual:


1954-kaiser-supercharger-l126-manual02-lores 1954-kaiser-supercharger-l126-manual03-lores 1954-kaiser-supercharger-l126-manual04-lores 1954-kaiser-supercharger-l126-manual05-lores 1954-kaiser-supercharger-l126-manual06-lores 1954-kaiser-supercharger-l126-manual07-lores 1954-kaiser-supercharger-l126-manual08-lores 1954-kaiser-supercharger-l126-manual09-lores 1954-kaiser-supercharger-l126-manual10-lores 1954-kaiser-supercharger-l126-manual11-lores 1954-kaiser-supercharger-l126-manual12-lores 1954-kaiser-supercharger-l126-manual13-lores 1954-kaiser-supercharger-l126-manual14-lores 1954-kaiser-supercharger-l126-manual15-lores

Supercharger pics:



3 Comments on “Bulletin & Mechanics Manual for Willys Supercharger

  1. Dan

    This is an incredibly complex unit–variable speed / ratio pulleys? Separate oil pump for lubrication? Wow…and it looks like this was originally designed for the 6 cyl 226 motor (as per page 1?)

    And even with all these directions, it’s still unclear exactly how it’s to be installed…other superchargers I’ve seen (e.g. Judson) “pull” air in through the carb and then pressurize that mixture and deliver it to the intake manifold.

    This seems(?) to just pressurize air INTO the carb…(essentially creating a positive atmospheric pressure?

    Would love to get my hands on a complete unit to really see how all this is supposed to work..but fining one of these would be next to impossible, let alone all the various required parts with the variable pulleys…

    Great stuff–thanks for posting!

  2. C

    This is basically the factory parts for the Kaiser Darrin with the supercharger. It is a Paxton-McCulloch supercharger; you can find information on these by searching around.

  3. JohnB

    Even if one put a supercharger (or turbo) on a Jeep, would it be properly geared to take advantage of the extra power?

    Another use would be to give power at high altitudes…any Jeep dealers in the Andes? 🙂

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