This has been update with a Buick V6 and a 4-speed side-shift transmission.

“Buick 225cid V6
Saginaw 4 speed transmission
Warn overdrive and hubs
Seats were out of an old Alph Romeo
Tilt steering
No top, but the frame for the top is there.
Extra hood that is in better shape than the one that is currently on the Jeep.
This was last driven over 20 years ago. It was running fine when it was last parked.
As it’s been sitting so long, it will obviously need to be gone through as far as brakes, fuel lines and tank, etc.
It been keep in garage for all this time.
Tires are cracking and would need to be replaced.
Selling to raise some funds for my folks’ medical bills.
I’m hearing a wide range of what this is possibly worth, so I’m hesitant to set a price right now and will start by entertaining offers.
I will do my best to answer any questions you may have in a timely manner.
Sale will be cash only and will need to be picked up in Kenmore.”