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March 1960 Jeep Service and Parts News

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

The best part of this four-page March 1960 Jeep Service and Parts News is how to fix an annoying “rumble” in a CJ-5. According to page three, get yourself a pry bar and increase the clearance between the floor pan and the Flywheel housing bolts.

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1954 Wagon Charlotte, NC $34,000

• CATEGORIES: Features, Willys Wagons This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

This fancy wagon is a mobile bar as well. It looks like it may have a set of Cutlas Bulldog hubs.


“Mobile Bar FOR SALE!!! VaNy’s Willy Wagon, a successful mobile bar business 3 TAPS with all equipment and cleaning tools included! Run beer, wine, cider, lemonade, prosecco through any of 3 tap lines! Roll out custom shelving and serving area! Great for any event, large or small… weddings, showers, birthdays, farmers markets The Willy Wagon is an always welcomed addition at any event and it shows – we were chosen for Best of 2023 on The Knot!!! Reach out with any questions! -Trailer 2022 Big Tex wood deck, available with purchase -Delivery available for additional charge -Jeep Willy runs, probably needs a new battery, we trailer it long distances and drive it on site of event Great business we absolutely LOVED doing! ”

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2024 Arizona Military Vehicle Show Jan 26-28

• CATEGORIES: Event, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Joe-in-Mesa tells me this will be the biggest AMVCC show yet! I wish I could attend, but I’m busy with things around here right now. Learn more here: http://www.armytrucks.org/

Joe wrote, “This year promises to be a truly great one, with over 100 military vehicles on display representing every era from the World War One to the Global War on Terror.  There’s a Swap Meet of militaria, surplus and parts for sale, plus Food Trucks!  Luke AFB is setting up a cool display. We’ll even have the large towed models of both the USS Arizona battleship and USS Phoenix submarine on hand. Come on out; buy a T-shirt and raffle tickets.  Help support both our non-profit Military Vehicle Club AND Dogs4Vets (the American Service Animal Society).”


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June 1959 Jeep News

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

It seems I neglected to post three Jeep News issues from 1959. So, here’s the first one, an eight-page issue from June of 1959. One page one, apart from dealer info, an article shared the news that several gatherings of jeeps would tour the Colorado Rockies as part of the “Rush to the Rockies” Colorado Centennial celebration during the summer of 1959 (an event detailed here).

Page two includes a story of Roy Nickerson and his family’s trip from the tiny town of Smelterville, Idaho, to Toledo to  see how jeeps were made and to then drive six vehicles back to their Nickerson Brother’s Willys Dealership in Idaho. Page three tells how then Baltimore Colt’s fullback Alan “The Horse” Ameche participated in a Jeep television commercial (I couldn’t locate the commercial online).

Page four shows some images and stories from the 1959 Tulsa Oil Show Jeep Exhibit. Page five includes a reference to a new, easy-to-install Capstan winch from Ramsey. Page six highlights the large number of jeeps plying the Atlantic Coast-line, including at least two fire trucks. Page seven discusses the Etowah County ‘Jeep’ Club, which doubled as a civil defense unit. Page eight shares pics from the beaches of North Caroline, where jeeps proved popular for fishermen.

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Transport Motor Company (TMC) Hydraulic Lift Document

• CATEGORIES: Documents, Features • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

We’ve discussed the Transport Motor Company, out of California, a few times. Clint reminded me that Farmjeep.com published a wonderful overview document of the TMC Farm and Industrial Equipment. Clint added his thoughts about the equipment in a comment at the bottom of this post.

Here is the full document: https://www.farmjeep.com/lifts/other-hydraulic-lifts/transport-motor-company-tmc-hydraulic-lift/

What caught my eye was TMCs body extension, a full-width body extension that attached to the back of vintage jeeps. I’ve documented the extension several times, but didn’t know what company made it. It turns out, some of those full-body extensions are from TMC. (here is my compendium of document 1/4 extensions)

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February 1960 Jeep Service and Parts News

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

The February 1960 Jeep Service and Parts News is another four-pager. One item on page three that caught my eye was FC-170 frame re-inforcement that became effective with 61568-17824 and 61568-13-10417. Prior to that, a May 1959 (I don’t have) issued announced a kit that was available for frame reinforcement.

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1963 Jeep News Volume 9 No. 5

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

The 1963 issue of Jeep News Volume 9 Number 5 was eight pages. The entire issue covers “The Greatest Show on Earth”, a short-lived series back by some Kaiser-Jeep advertising. A dealer contest was also held as a part of this event.

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January 1960 Jeep Service and Parts News

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

This four page issue of the January 1960 Jeep Service and Parts News includes a reference to a DJ-3A kit allowing the service department to install a passenger seat. I wonder how many DJ-3As were sold without passenger seats?

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1963 Jeep News Volume 9 No. 4

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features • TAGS: , This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

The fourth installment of the 1963 Jeep News shifted back to eight pages with this issue. It’s clear from the front pages thus far in 1963 that the Wagoneer and Gladiators were popular additions to the jeep line up. Each month seemed to bring reports of new sales highs.

Also interesting on page one is the reference to Wide World of Sports (WWOS) filming the 1963 Jeeporama near Boulder, Colorado. Unfortunately, I had no luck finding any WWOS episodes related to that filming.

Page two brings us the story of Noble Trenham and Dean Fisher, a pair of adventurers who went around the world in a modified FC-170. Their story includes their interrogation by Colombian officials  who didn’t believe they were on a goodwill tour. The situation looked dire until they produced evidence of attending USC; it turned out their interrogators were familiar with two local boys who were also attending USC. You can read that story here: https://issuu.com/trailsmag/docs/august-2012/25, which is part of a series titled A True TrailBlazer in Trailblazer magazine (series starts with this April issue).

The article also mentioned that a book was in the works. Well, the work took decades, because it wasn’t until 2018 that a book was finally published by Dean Fisher (if there’s an earlier book, I didn’t find it in my brief searches). I just bought a copy, so I’ll let you know what I think: https://www.amazon.com/Roads-Peoples-Birds-Mountaintops-Billabongs/dp/1622881877 .

Page three of this Jeep news shares one of the more interesting DJ-3A ice cream trucks I’ve ever seen. I wonder what ever happened to it? Also on page three, the page reported that the Sareea Al Jamel 4WD Club of Indio’s annual desert trip drew 322 vehicles and 978 people!

Pages four, five and six celebrate the 60th year of the company, starting with Overland. Page seven includes a variety of photos, including a CJ-3B, which is a surprise given those rigs had been ignored by the editors of Jeep News for years!

Page eight tells the story of the “Jeep mounted band”, while a photo farther down on the page shows another example of a Virgin Islands FC used as a tour jeep (here is a different example).

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December 1963 Jeep Service and Parts News

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

This issue of jeep news included a handy index to locate information within earlier editions of the newsletter. That would have been handy to have for the regular Jeep News issues as well.

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1963 Jeep News Volume 9 No. 3

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

The 1963 issue of Jeep News, Volume 9, Number 3, is only eight pages. I was surprised to learn on page one that the Kaiser-Jeep headquarters was established in Oakland; I didn’t know that had happened. Lower down on page one, it was interesting to see that despite the new name (Kaiser-Jeep), dealerships were to be listed under ‘Jeep’ in the “phone book”. For those too young to have used a “phone book”, ask you parents what that strange device was and how it was used (and, while at it, ask them about the Sears Christmas Wish Book, too).

Page two begins with an overview of the Fourth Annual Arizona Jeep Jamboree, sponsored by the Phoenix, Arizona, Jeep Club. I don’t have a sense of how popular this became or when it was halted (I assume it was halted?). Page two also contains a look at some of the upcoming Jeep ads. Page three notes the expanded presence of Kaiser-Jeep at fairs across the country.

Page four highlights dealer issues. Page five reports on the industry recognition Kaiser-Jeep received for the new brochures. Lower down on page five is the story of a Wagoneer climbing Mt. Haleakala in Hawaii. Page eight contains a variety of jeep photos from auto shows around the world. There’s also a photo of an FC-170, truck, and Wagoneer with campers.

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November 1959 Jeep Service and Parts News

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

This November 1959 Jeep Parts and Service News contains a couple small notes on column shifters. In particular, there were two different steering column assemblies used on the two-wheel-drive jeeps (wagons, sedan deliveries, and DJ-3As). The full assemblies can be swapped, but the parts cannot be swapped.

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Nate’s Playing in the Snow

• CATEGORIES: Features, videos This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Thanks to Maury for spotting Nate’s snow video. While he plays in the snow, we are surviving the cold. First, our re-done trough water delivery froze, then our well-water seems to have frozen, which remains a mystery as to why. Anyway, we are dry camping at home for the time being. Temps start trending up today, so hopefully this cold snap will be behind us for the remainder of winter.

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1963 Volume 9 No. 2

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

At some point in 1963, Jeep News stopped adding a month to the printings, so we must use volume and numbers to delineate the various Jeep News issues. This issues, volume 9, Number 2 in 1963 is eight pages.

Page one has a neat photo of an FC-170 with an extended rear and an extra axle. That looks pretty handy! Page two contains some upcoming ads, along with a nod to some Argentinian jeeps. Page three shares the news of more jeeps in more movies, including “The Nutty Professor”, The Ugly American”, “Donavan’s Reef”, and “My Six Loves”.

Pages four and five contain dealer news. Page six continues the coverage of the Hatari! movie, this time internationally. Page seven shows police and police-dogs lined up in front of DJ-3As purchased by the Philadelphia police. Page eight covers some international updates.

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June 1959 Jeep Service and Parts News

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

This issue of Jeep Service and Parts News is one of about twenty issues I obtained. This is the earliest one I have. I am unsure when these bulletins began, but given this is volume eight, then this must have started someone around 1953? These likely were tossed or destroyed pretty quickly.

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Oct 1968 Review of the Wagoneer V8

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Kaiser-Jeep must have arranged to have this article, originally printed for Four Wheeler Magazine, printed as a stand-alone ad piece for dealers and prospective customers. It’s printed in black and white, rather than color, and is eight pages. The form number is 69-02, suggesting this run was printed in Feb of 1969.

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Jeeps @ Barret Jackson Auction

• CATEGORIES: Auctions, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

John shared this link for the Barret-Jackson auction, which shows the various jeeps for sale. There are only a few pre-1980 jeeps being auctioned:


This modified 1954 M-38A1 is the earliest jeep being auctioned:


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Oct 1968 Review of the Wagoneer V8

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features, Magazine • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Kaiser-Jeep must have arranged to have this article, originally printed for Four Wheeler Magazine, printed as a stand-alone ad piece for dealers and prospective customers. It’s printed in black and white, rather than color, and is eight pages. The form number is 69-02, suggesting this run was printed in Feb of 1969.

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March 1963 Jeep News

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

This March 1963 issue of Jeep News is once again eight pages. Page one announced the name change, with the company shifting from Willys Motors to Kaiser Jeep, while the Willys Sales Corporation was changed to Kaiser Jeep Sales Corporation and Willys-Overland Export Corporation changed to Kaiser Jeep International Corporation.

Page two continues a story from page one about the Chicago show and it introduction of the 1963 Gladiator and Wagoneer. Page three includes a nod to Tom McCahill, who praised the new Wagoneer in a review of the new jeep.

Page four has more about the new models. Page five discusses the results of the Sun Carnival race in El Paso, Texas. Page six shows the continuing efforts to market Hatari!. Page seven contains several FC-related images. Page eight tells the story of using jeeps on a 27,000 acre ranch in Nebraska.

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Before Canyonlands Was a Park

• CATEGORIES: Features, Old Images • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

“Before Canyonlands Was a Park” is a story built around a presentation given by Alan “Tug” Bates in 2014 and published January 07, 2024, by the Canyon Country Zephyr. It includes a variety of jeep photos from the Canyonlands area.

You can read the story and see pics here: https://www.canyoncountryzephyr.com/2024/01/07/1950-before-canyonlands-was-a-park-the-other-place-no-one-knew-by-tug-wilson/


Kent Frost (L), Bates Wilson (Second from right) and friends in the late 1950s. (Photo Credit: NPS)

One excerpt is particularly interesting:

“In the first 10 years of exploring what would become Canyonlands National Park, we encountered a total of five people: We encountered one party of two in 1952; Dad gave them directions to find what later became known as Angel Arch, the icon of Canyonlands. Once, in 1953, we came across a lonesome cowboy, on his way from the West fork of Salt Creek to Cave Springs. And finally, in the fall of 1958, we met up with Kent and Fern Frost. They were in their green jeep, in Horse Canyon, checking out the area for future tours. But that was it…. FIVE.”

When my ex-wife and I moved to Utah thirty years ago (Yikes!!) in the summer of 1994 the population was 1.9 million (by comparison, as of 2021, the population was 3.38 million and the state is still one of the top five growing states). Lacking a jeep at that time, I got to explore southern Utah when you could still hike Desolate Arch in Arches NP and not see anyone! The experience Bates describes was mine at times. There were no signs stopping me from unrolling a sleeping bag on a piece of slick rock outside Moab and spending the night (now, lots of no-camping signs), which I did several times, with stars so bright I didn’t need a flashlight. And, if off the beaten path, you were guaranteed to feel all alone in desolate country.

Thirty years later, the Utah I experienced has changed dramatically. The restaurants are way better, the culture more diverse, the events more varied, but the resulting traffic and the crowds have become, at times, too much for my tastes. I guess I am getting old!!

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December 1962 Jeep News

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

The December 1962 issue of Jeep News was eight pages. Page one shares the news that sales jumped 56 percent, thanks in part to the new jeep models. Meanwhile in El Paso, Texas, organizers of the Sun Bowl planned to host a Jeep Derby as part of the Sun Bowl festivities. Page two shares some photos from a 300-person jeep caravan to Gila Cliff Dwellings National Monument (created in 1907).

Page three contains a variety of miscellaneous stories. Page four includes a great example of the Jeep Herders logo. The club was located in Sheridan, Wyoming. Page five shared the story of Frank Kuboski and his San Juan Scenic Tour Jeep business operating out of Ouray, Colorado (editor’s note, Ouray is pronounced “Your-ay”, as my son likes to remind me .. I always mess it up!).

A highlight from page six was the announcement that Oakland, NJ, Police Chief purchased a wagon with a matching boat and trailer for rescue work. An unusual article on page seven explored Hollywood’s Lloyd Bridges’ views on raising kids, while lower on the page the Jeepster Club of America celebrated their fourteenth anniversary. Finally, on page eight, came the report of a radio newsman delivery his show from the bed of a CJ-5.

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Kam the Motoring Elephant Poster on eBay

• CATEGORIES: Features • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE: An original post for Bertram Mills Circus featuring Kim the jeep-riding elephant is currently on eBay for $510.08.

View all the information on eBay


“Origional Bertram Mills Circus poster illustrated with KAM the elephant driving his Jeep, a great Jeep man cave item.
51cm x 74 cm. (20″ x 30″)”

In addition, a new search brought up this old photo from 1957:


And, finally, after the jeep Kam drove e a Landcruiser. Here’s a short video of Kim at work:


Originally posted December 18, 2012: 


Kam the elephant starred for the Bertram Mills Circus during the 1950s and into the 1960s.  Initially, Kam drove a modified MB/GPW.  It looks like it had an updated motor.  Unfortunately, the only images I have found of Kam on the jeep are from the above poster and from page 240 of “The Jeep” book (a black and white photo which I don’t show). In the photo, as in the poster, there is a hump in the hood, which I assume is the result of the engine swap.  The jeep has the usual WWII attributes: tool indents, rear floating hubs and other details. Unlike the poster, the photo shows the fenders were left stock and flat, rather than rounded as shown in the poster.

Eventually, according to the site Silodrome, the circus bought a 1959 Series 1 Land Rover and modified it with a “central steering wheel and a huge, padded seat over the rear axle”.  The picture below is also from Silodrome. Here is a very short video of him driving it.  Kam’s customized Land Rover has been found and is being rebuilt.


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Various Photos

• CATEGORIES: Features, GPA (SEEP), Old Images, Unusual • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.
  1. Blaine shared this photo of a Bell Telephone engineer working in Europe during WWII.
  2. Blaine also shared these links for the teardrop Mustang, developed in the late 1940s. While many of us have seen these pics, what I didn’t realize was that the Mustang utilized some jeep steering parts. As this MotorBiscuit article notes, “McCarty wanted to build his car with existing components adapted to his unique vision. He decided that the steering from a Willys Jeep, a Continental or Hercules engine, and Spicer rear axles would be the basis for his car.”
    1949-Mustang-22Whale22-07 1949-Mustang-22Whale22-02
  3. This photo of a customized GPA was posted to g503 by Morihisa Ochi:
  4. Grant Howe shared images of his customized jeep on Facebook, built for bird hunting:
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1959 Lighter Celebrating the Building of Jeeps in Canada on eBay

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

The starting price for this unusual lighter is $49.99.

View all the information on ebay

“1959 Dundee Lighter promoting the FIRST CANADIAN BUILT JEEP® August 21, 1959. Back reads: WILLYS of CANADA Ltd, Windsor, Ontario. Scratches from storage. Blue, white and black enamel shows very little if any wear. Needs a cleaning. Being sold “As Is” as we didn’t have any fluid or flints to test.”




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October 1962 “Extra” Jeep News

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

This eight-page October 1962 issue of Jeep News introduces the Gladiator and Wagonneer. So, it may not be too surprising that this entire issue covers these new jeeps.

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