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Cascade Odyssey Park 2

• CATEGORIES: Features, videos This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

In case you missed it, here’s the first part.

View Episode 1 here
View Episode 2 here (above)

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WWII Jeep Returns from Europe, Lands in MN

• CATEGORIES: Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Bill shared this article about a WWII jeep found in France that was brought back to Luverne, Minnesota. The jeep has become part of a documentary about kids of a paratrooper who were invited to France to ride in the jeep and follow the trail of their father’s experience after landing in Europe on June 6, 1944. The jeep now resides and can be seen at Luverne’s National Guard  Armory.


Here’s a second article: https://www.dakotanewsnow.com/2024/09/08/luverne-celebrates-arrival-vehicle-used-normandy-invasion/

I tried to locate a trailer of the documentary, but didn’t have any success.


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Jeep Collection in Chadron, NE

• CATEGORIES: Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

An owner of a collection of vintage jeeps in Chadron, Nebraska, posted to Facebook noting that if anyone near Chadron wanted to see his collection before he sells out, well they should get ahold of him. He expects most jeeps to leave the state. Maybe he will also consider some offers? He doesn’t mention when he plans to sell.

Here’s his post: https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/488619174090896

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Colors of Jeeps in Up-Country Vietnam

• CATEGORIES: Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Bill shared this video interview of a former CIA agent who claims that when he was working for the CIA in Vietnam, there were at least three colors of jeeps. Not sure if buy “jeep” he is referring to M-38A1s, M-151s, or something else. The CIA used emerald green jeeps, while the Army had Olive Drab jeeps and Agency for International Development (AID) gray jeeps. You can listen to his description at the 9:40 mark of the video.

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Year? M-274 Mule Brochure on eBay

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

This rare brochure has a starting bid of $30.

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1944 “Your Bonds Will Back The Attack” Poster on eBay

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This is a 18″ x 24″ poster printed May 17, 1944.

View all the information on eBay


DATED 5/17/1944
18X24 INCHES “

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1959 XM443E1 TPCC Brochure

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features, XM443E1-TPCC • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

The Tactical Personnel-Cargo Carrier (TPCC), also known dryly as the XM443E1, isn’t a vehicle I’ve discussed at all, mostly because I really didn’t know much about it. I figured it was just another prototype. However, given how far along in the production process this design lasted, I figured it was worth a close look.  I recently bought the four-page brochure below off of ebay, along with a press release for the TPCC, which sheds some additional information on this vehicle.

In fact, the TPCC was far enough along in development that it was featured at the 1959 Chicago Auto Show (February 1959 Jeep News):


From the February 1959 Jeep News — 1959 Chicago Auto Show where the jeeps were all featured in white.

and later in the year at the Association of U.S. Army’s Convention.


Willys Motors even created this 4-page brochure, which was likely published in 1959 (it lacks a date). So, why didn’t Willys do more with this vehicle? According to this post, numerous maintenance issues uncovered by the military doomed the vehicle.

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1959 XM443E1 TPCC Press Release

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Documents, Features, XM443E1-TPCC This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Here is a three-page press release that discusses the Tactical Personnel-Cargo Carrier (TPCC).

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Here’s more info on the TPCC: http://www.ewillys.com/2024/09/06/1959-xm443e1-tpcc-brochure/

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4 XM443E1 TPCC Models on eBay

• CATEGORIES: Features, Models, XM443E1-TPCC This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

The current price for these four model Tactical Personnel-Cargo Carriers os $5999 or best offer. As far as the seller knows, there are no other examples of these models. One is in pretty good shape. The other three are in disrepair.

View all the information on eBay

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“Ultra Rare only 4-of a kind known to exist and here they are.  These are Kaiser/Jeep 16″ US XM 443E1 Platform Truck Promo-really more of a Prototype.  Never put into production.  The prototype is made with metal/resin/rubber by the Kindred Industrial Design Company.  The one that is complete does have some issues 1) The rubber tires have flat spots from being sat for a long period, 2) The steering wheel is bent 3) The drives seat hinge has popped off is the best description.  The hinge pops into place like a watch band does to the watch and should be an easy repair.  The features of this prototype: The lever in the middle of the front seats raises and lowers the height of the vehicle and works perfectly.  All of the seats flip over to be hidden.  The vehicle comes with two tops.  The vehicle pieces are all removable the steering wheel,windshield, top, bed rails.  The other 3-vehicles are in various stages of disrepair.  One is fairly close needs a steering wheel, 4-tires and a seat hinge.  The final two are really only parts vehicles.  Here is a rare chance to truly own a one of a kind piece ”



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June 1957 Willys Service and Parts News

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Page 2 of this June 1957 issue notes that some vehicles experience a front end shimmy (I expect no one is surprised by this news). The article provides some thoughts on how to deal with that.

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Hamilton Pedal Jeep Denver, CO $475

• CATEGORIES: Features, toys This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

This restored Hamilton isn’t priced as crazy as some we’ve seen.


“Professionally Restored. This is an original. They don’t make a reproduction for this model. Cash only. No venmo. This collectible toy is 70 years old. PLEASE STOP ASKING IF STILL AVAILABLE but rather offer a date and time for pickup. Located near 38th and Gilpin in Denver.”


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Fun Racing, But Bad Eyes

• CATEGORIES: Event, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

This weekend we tried pulling the trailer and jeep with the Alpine; I could rarely feel back there. I expect it will pull the tour jeep well also (when the time comes).

We spent part of this Labor Day weekend at the OverBored race, which is always a fun time. Unfortunately, the poor cell reception meant I couldn’t do updates while there, hence the delay in them.

While the jeep performed well, especially the power steering, thanks to the modifications I made to the pump, my deteriorating eye sight proved to be an insurmountable obstacle to success.

A year ago I had the detached retina. Prior to surgery in late August of 2023 I was warned that the surgery could cause the quick onset of a cataract. Following the surgery, everything seemed fine, but by Feb 2024 my left eye’s vision changed (cloudier with poor vision clarity) enough that I needed a new prescription. By May of 2024, the cataract rose to a 3 on a scale of 1-4, necessitating a new prescription, again. By late July, my eye sight declined further, so the eye-doc set me up with a Cataract clinic consult, but that won’t be until the end of October.


Nonetheless, I decided to try racing this weekend, as the jeep (and the Alpine coach) needed another shakedown, even though I figured the poor sight in the left eye might play into slow times. Sure enough, during my obstacle course run, while the jeep was raring to go, I hesitated quite a bit, as my glasses, which fit snuggly in my helmet, still vibrated slightly, leading me a few times to momentarily be unable to see where the course led. Though I completed the first race without making a mistake, I also knew I didn’t go as fast as I thought the jeep was capable of going.


For the second run, this time on the Cross Country course, I decided to be more aggressive. For example, I wanted to see how well the rear end kicked out around barrels, so I was more liberal with my sharp turns and gunning it, which, indeed, caused the jeep to spin nicely around the curves at time. Unfortunately, the speed caused me to make two mistakes. The first time I started to turn where there wasn’t a turn, but that time I just backed up, then got back on course. The second time I rocketed out into the open, only to lose track of which direction to go (it wasn’t well marked, but it’s still my fault). As a result, I ended up going around the outside of the course for about 50ft rather than staying in the correct lane. Basically, I guessed wrong.

For those times I could see, I was having a blast. I could feel what Leftovers was capable of doing and that felt great.


Rob Stafford and I talking while I waited my turn at the Cross Country course.

So, for me, that’s the end of the racing season this year. Hopefully, the cataract surgery occurs without issue (lots of folks report that it’s the best thing they’ve had done) and I can return next May with more success and more aggressive runs.

Anyway, here are some photos from this past weekend, thanks to Ann. We’ll start with a few valve-cover racing photos. Overbored runs this event each year. As the name implies, you build a rolling car from a valve cover. The valve car weight limit is 10lbs. The kids run their cars first, followed later by the adults. Here are some of the kid photos. The first shows Rob and Diana Stafford setting up the track.


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Cascade Odyssey Part I

• CATEGORIES: Features, videos This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

A group of vintage jeeps spent several days exploring and camping in the Cascade mountains. I first ran some of these trails (Naches in particular) back in 1966 on my mother’s lap. Years of rigs running these trails, more than a few bigger than old jeeps, have made some of these trails much easier, but there are still some great, challenging trails that can only be done with upgraded equipment like lockers. Kudos to these guys for doing this the old way.

View Episode 1 here (above)
View Episode 2 here

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August 1956 Service and Parts News

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

This four-page August 1956 issue includes a mention of the hydro-vac, noting that on vehicles with fresh-air vents that the unit should be mounted on the driver’s side fender.

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Updates Sun or Monday

• CATEGORIES: Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Life’s been busy this last week. I’ll update as soon as I can!

Improving the steering was one project I addressed this week. First, I worked through both Heim joints and the quick-steer, cleaning and lubing as much as I could. Then, thanks to Rob Stafford’s suggestion,  I modified the power steering pump, first by drilling a slightly larger hole through the servo valve, then I lengthened the spring that controls the actuation rate. I felt this was the least invasive of the modification options.

Here is one of the links I relied upon: https://www.pirate4x4.com/threads/modifiying-saginaw-power-steering-pump-revive.2712489/. I would call the improvement drastic, but it does seem to have improved the steering. I figured making this change was easier and made more sense than trying to remove the quicksteer, which will be a bigger project.

I also spend some time looking at the rear axle, as I thought it had shifted. After making additional measurements, I concluded that my initial estimations were wrong. The axle hadn’t moved; when at the race, I’d mis-measured. Anyway, I was happy to make a dumb mistake, as it meant I didn’t have to address the issue.


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1958 Howe Fire Brush Truck Mooresville, NC $20,000

• CATEGORIES: Features, Fire/Police/Industry Vehicles This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Here’s a rare Howe-built Brush Fire Truck for sale. Call 704 506 0011 (leave message) – View by Appointment Only.

More pics here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/235789696606990/permalink/2456473987871872


“6-cyl. Super Hurricane Engine 4-wheel drive. Converted to Brush Fire Truck from new by Howe Fire Apparatus Company in Anderson, IN. Model HRS-F No. 10249.

It is fitted with a dual snorkel front pump from Waterous Company in St. Paul, MN. Model No. CF-3 Serial No.17739, also with rear hose reel.

Included is a 1996 S10 Frame. Frame and A.Arms have been glass blasted. All brackets and welds are removed and ground smooth. Frame has been epoxied primed. Upper and lower A.Arms have MOOG brand bushings and ball joints.

New serpentine billet specialties along with vintage air unit. Never has had fluids in it.

305 Chevy Truck Engine with new gaskets and freeze plugs – 700 transmission.
Five (5) new steel wheels 15×8 and Five (5) new BF Goodrich Silverton 288/70/R15 Tires.

Clear title. Ready to sell – $20,000.00
Must pick up (does not include transportation)”

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August 1960 Traveller Brochure

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

I bought this rare Traveller brochure off of ebay, one I’d never seen. It’s printed on a heavier than usual paper, almost card stock thick. This is the earliest example of a Traveller brochure that I’ve seen. This brochure is form number 8-9-tr-60-8-1.

This brochure starts as a 5.5″ x 8.5″ brochure. Here’s the front page. The use of “Traveller’s” plural refers to the 2WD and 4WD as separate models. A 1961 brochure used the singular Traveler and did not show the 2WD with its different styling, but a 1962 switched back to the plural Travellers.


Here’s the back:


The brochure opens horizontally to reveal this page:


The brochure opens vertically to reveal the brochure’s center page (11″x17″):


Here’s the full back:


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July 1956 Willys Service and Parts News

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This issue of the July 1956 four-page service and parts news introduces the Power-Lok differential upgrade, a dealer installation option. A news item on page three seems a little bit too enthusiastic about the clutch adjustments, as the article claims one in three adjustments leads to a clutch overhaul (and service profits).

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Military FC Wrecker and Jeep (plus other toys) eBay

• CATEGORIES: Features, toys This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE: The seller has confirmed the wrecker does have “J E E P” stamped across the front.

Andy shared this FC Wrecker and jeep. It also includes other toys. I would have bought the two jeeps, but don’t want the rest of the toys.

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“Assortment of Auburn Rubber Military toys in great condition. The two large toys in the back are Auburn SaftyPlay Jeep and Wrecker.”

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1950s Utility Wagon Brochure From South Africa

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features, International This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Here’s another interesting 4-page brochure (my guess would be circa 1958) made for the South African market that I picked up on eBay.

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June 1956 Willys Service and Jeep News

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This four page issue notes on page two that June 1956 was “Dent’s out of Fenders” month or, I did you not, “DOOF”!?! I don’t know what to do with that info.

Page three references what may be causing a few DJ-3A noises. One note refers to the “clutch driven disc hub”, which can cause a vibration issues between 33 and 45mph, but I’m not familiar with that part. There are a couple other solutions for particular noises listed.





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New Limited Edition Radial Engine Manx Dune Buggy $119,500

• CATEGORIES: Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

This newly released Meyers Manx dune buggy is powered by a radial three-cylinder engine with LS DNA. The engine alone sells for $25,000, according to the article.



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Harney Peak Postcard on eBay

• CATEGORIES: Features, Postcards • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Here’s another Harney Peak Postcard, but this time in black and white. The seller is currently asking $29.95, but will accept offers.

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Harney-peak-jeep-postcard1 Harney-peak-jeep-postcard2

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FJ-6A Drag Jeep

• CATEGORIES: Features, FJ, videos This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

You don’t see an FJ-6A go this fast very often!

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The Placer Gold Miner Ornament

• CATEGORIES: Features • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE: Muleyhunter recently added a miner to the hood of his jeep:




UPDATE as of April 12, 2018: This post was formerly part of the JEEP-HERDERS MOVIE and EL DORADO JEEPHERDERS post, but I’ve split that post into three, each updated with some new info and/or pics.


Over the last decade, I occasionally saw vintage jeeps with bronze casted placer gold miners on the hood. For years I’ve wondered about where these originated. They turn out to have an interesting history. Moreover, different castings over the years has led to slightly different designs.

It was a member of the El Dorado Jeepherders who first began selling them. From Ken Hower on Pirate 4×4:

Gold Miner Hood Ornament History:
In 1970, Mike Arnold opens Arnolds For Awards in Shingle Springs, CA (Acrylic Awards | Crystal Awards | Glass Awards | Corporate Plaques).

– In 1970, Mike Arnold goes to Alaska to a Gold Rush Event, since the history of gold mining in California looking for a tie in for his business. At the event, Mike finds an artist who has cast these Gold Miner statues. Mike buys a handful and returns to California.

– 1971, Mike installs the Gold Miner on his hood for the Jeepers Jamboree. Mike is a member of the El Dorado Jeepherders, the first organized 4-wheel drive club in the United States. He brings a few statues on the Jamboree to sell, and a few are bought.

– El Dorado Jeepherders adopt the statue for their club and nearly every member of the club, now has a Gold Miner statue hood ornament.

– Ken Collins is the owner of Placerville Jeep. He is also, one of the founders of the Jeepers Jamboree, along with Mark Smith. Ken buys statues from Arnolds Awards and begins giving them away to customers who buy a jeep.

– Chuck Walker. Yes, the Walker behind the famous Walker Hill on the Rubicon, is a sales man at Placerville Jeep. He is there, when Ken Collins is giving them away. Chuck decides to split from Placerville, and open his own dealership in Sacramento, Chrysler, Dodge and Jeep. He also begins buying the statues and giving to his customers, this is why you see them on Dodge and Jeep around Sacramento.

Back in the day, the retail cost of the statue was $20. It costs far more than that now, simply to make them.

Merlin Scott (a Rock Award winner for lifetime achievement of service on the Rubicon Trail had his Dodge truck stolen a long time ago. They recovered the vehicle. The only damage, his Gold miner was ripped off the hood of his truck.

I want to thank Kevin Arnold and Mike Arnold of Arnolds Awards for telling the story this morning. I want to thank Merlin Scott for telling me who to call. So many of the old timers that pioneered wheeling are passing away, so I think it’s important to preserve that history and those stories. Also thank John Arenz, President of RTF for filling in the names that were forgotten.

I put the link already, but Rubicon Trail Foundation has taken it upon ourselves to be the custodian of that history. Spend some time and go to the website and read through the history of the Rubicon Trail.


After posting this original post a couple days ago, I began looking more closely at the photos of miners I had. Moreover, Mike shared a photo of his miner that includes “Placerville Hardware” on the rear. That got me thinking: given the miners have been produced and sold over the past 50 years, there could be several variations. Then, I found a reference from Jim Allen that some special promo miners had been produced. Here’s what I found among the miners I have documented:
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