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1957? Australian Jeep Truck Brochure

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

I missed out on this rare Australian Jeep Truck brochure (totally spaced the auction). I can see no date or form number on any pages. My guess is that this was published in 1957 or 58.

The description from th auction reads, in part:

1957-willys-truck-australia-brochure5 1957-willys-truck-australia-brochure6 1957-willys-truck-australia-brochure7 1957-willys-truck-australia-brochure8 1957-willys-truck-australia-brochure9

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San Juan Scenic Jeep Trip Postcard and Brochure

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Artists/Drawings, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

These two items from the San Juan Scenic Jeep Trip business were on eBay, so I snagged them.

This postcards shows a FC Tour Jeep climbing a steep trail.

scenic-jeep-tour-portcard1 scenic-jeep-tour-portcard2

This tri-fold brochure is undated. It has some good photos and artwork. These first three images show the front side of the brochure.

scenic-jeep-tour-brochure1a scenic-jeep-tour-brochure1b



This is the inside of the tri-fold:


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Dec 1969 Jeep Family Brochure from Kaiser Jeep

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Maury let me know that scans of a 1969 Jeep family brochure (Form 69-12) was posted to earlycj5.com page. There are three particularly interesting things to me about this brochure. Somehow, I never picked up a copy, so I found one on eBay.

1) The red CJ-5 shown with a couple “racing” it is a rare 462 model, perhaps it’s only appearance in a jeep-family-brochure;
2) the brochure doesn’t mentioned the model in the brochure; and
3) this jeep must have been part of a photo shoot (probably not really racing), because this brochure shows two photos of the same shoot and the 2018/2019 Dispatcher Magazine’s article on the 462 shows a third pic of the same jeep and couple.

Before the brochure, I’ll included the Dispatcher Magazine image:


Here is the full brochure as posted by Dave from the earlycj5.com website:



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Different Tire/Jerry Can Carriers

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE II: Another carrier to add to the list thanks to Jim. This was a Husky-built tire and jerry can carrier.



UPDATED October 31, 2019: More Tire and Gas Can carriers have been added to this post.

1. Con-Ferr offered various options in it’s 1970 catalog. A few of the mounts were made and sold by Con-Ferr. The pages also include a Bestop Tire Mount and another example of a Kayline tire mount:

1970-conferr-catalog-pg20 1970-conferr-catalog-pg21

2. This page from the 1970s Brian Chucha Catalog provides additional pics of the Kayline and the Con-Ferr carrier options:


3. Best Top Tire carrier from the late 1970s catalog:


4. Kayline ski and/or luggage Rack.

kayline-ski-luggage-rack-brochure3-lores kayline-ski-luggage-rack-brochure1-lores kayline-ski-luggage-rack-brochure2-lores

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2 1945 Negatives of GPWs on eBay

• CATEGORIES: Features, GPW (Ford MB), Old Images This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

These two negatives from 1945 might interest GPW collectors.

  1. View all the information on eBay
  2. View all the information on eBay


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Sportif, Dispatcher, Beach Comber, Commuter & DJ-6A

• CATEGORIES: DJ-3A, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE: Roger Jordan posted this rare photo of a DJ-6A concept vehicle on Facebook. It reminds me of the Dispatcher-100 and Sportif models, so I’ll add it to this page



Originally posted April 8, 2019:

As most folks know, Brooks Stevens was instrumental in numerous production and concept car designs. One of the lesser known projects was, apparently, an offshoot of the DJ-3A 2WD line. There are four documented designs, two of which became concept vehicles.


The Dispatcher and the Sportif concept cars.

  1. The Sportif: This DJ-3A-like vehicle appears to use the DJ-3A convertible windshield and hood, to which some stylistic designs have been added. There are a variety of undated pics at the Milwaukee Art Museum’s website which tags the images as being prototypes for the Canadian Market. A March-April 1995 Willys World article dates the pics to 1959. Brook Stevens is pictured in both images.


    Link to Milwaukee Art Museum

  2. The Dispatcher (aka Dispatcher Sportif) and Dispatcher 100: The Milwaukee Art Museum labels this simply as the Dispatcher, but other placed identify this as the Dispatcher 100 or Dispatcher Sportif. You can see all the pics at the Museum’s website.

    Dispatcher 100: Derek Redmond published a slightly different version of this concept at the CJ-3B page. It’s titled the Dispatcher 100 (has an insignia with the name on the passenger door) and it may represent a slight update or next evolution of the “Dispatcher” above. The cover on the passenger side cowl suggests this might have been made from the later model DJ-3A body (which used the hole for a heater vent).

  3. Jeep Beach Comber: This fanciful 2WD vehicle looks inspired by the DJ-3A Surrey, one designs for beaches and vacation rentals. There’s only one image of it at the Milwaukee Art Museum. This appears to use the later model Willys hubcaps seen on the Surreys.
  4. Jeep Commuter 100: It looks to be a roomier version of the other vehicles, but with a top that allowed lots of visibility. There’s only one image of it at the Milwaukee Art Museum. This jeep also appears to use the later model Willys hubcaps seen on the Surreys. I can attest that the low windshield and low soft top (if that is a soft top) would have made it difficult for 6-footers like me to climb back into the rear seat.
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2023 Willys Jeep Rally June 2-3 2023

• CATEGORIES: Event, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

This year’s Willys Jeep Rally will be held June 2-3 2023 at its usual location in Houston Woods, College Corner, Ohio. Thanks to Russ for letting me know! You can learn more here: http://www.mw-willysjeep.com


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Unusual Windshield on MB

• CATEGORIES: Features • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE: As Barney notes in the comments, it appears to be a windshield adapted from a Mighty Mite. You can see an example here: http://www.ewillys.com/wp-content/uploads2/2020/11/year-m422a1-imperial-ca1.jpg

Buz just acquired this MB that has an unusual windshield setup. I have seen some bubba jobs similar to this windshield, but someone did this much better than most. It does not appear to be an M-38A1 windshield (too narrow), but it doesn’t appear to be a CJ-3A/DJ-3A windshield (curved top holder). Anyone recognize it?

He described the windshield this way:

I bought this 1943 Willys MB with this unusual style M38A1 windshield assembly. It is narrower than the M38A1 windshield and this one has not been cut and welded. Also a very precise adaptation to the cowl to mount the windshield. No doubt it probably harms the value of the 1943 model, but it has to have been some sort of factory modification, it’s not a home brew bubba job. Have you ever seen anything similar to this?  I have the history of this jeep back to 1947. The first civilian registration was issued in 1947 to E. W. Worrell who paid $800 for it in Hillsville, VA.

Here are some pics.

J1-lores J5-lores J2-lores J3-lores J4-lores

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Back to the Racer

• CATEGORIES: Builds, Features • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

After an unexpected detour of 6 months, I finally had a chance to return to working on the racer.

My first project was to create the side bars by reusing the 2 1/2″ side bars from the yellow racer. You can see them mounted on the old racer here (my finger is accidentally pointing out the driver’s sidebar in this pic). I cut both of them off this chassis.


Here is a side view of the old chassis. These sidebars are angled upward to attach at the angled portion of the frame near the engine mounts. I liked the look of them, so figured I’d reuse them. At this point, I also plan to build the new racer cage similar to what you see blow, but with a few changes.


Somehow, I managed not to take many pics of this process, but I started with my new metal saw by cutting the side bars so they’d sit flat (I removed the sidebars from the other chassis with a sawz-it-all, so the cuts weren’t great).

Trying to get this angle just right on the front portion of the bars was tricky. So, I cut the back bar first to the optimal length, then dropped the front of the bar over the edge of the table until the tube was level. Then used the flat edge of a carpenter square to draw a straight edge on the bar.


Here, the cut has been finished.


Next, I welded plates to each tube end. Then, I clamped the tubes to the sides of the frame. With that done, Ann and I put the body in place to make sure it fit over the angled side bar, which it does.

2023-01-08-racer-build6Here’s a view from the back:

Since it looks like things will fit correctly, I will pull the body back off, pull the side bars off, clean off the paint where I need to weld on the frame, and attach the sidebars.

Next, I’ll spend some time determining how the floor, cage, firewall, and the seats will mount, and how the side of the body will attach to the cage (the body sides are weak rather flimsy, so it needs a good mounting system).

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Best Top(?) Tire Carrier Reno, NV $250

• CATEGORIES: Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

This looks like a Best Top tire carrier in good shape (see different kinds here). It was mounted on a CJ-2A.


“Willys Jeep rear swing out tire and gas can carrier. Holds 2 jerry cans.
Hard to find , very good condition. Came off CJ2A”

besttop-tire-carrier1 besttop-tire-carrier2 besttop-tire-carrier3

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1951 DeAnza Trail Jeep Cavalcade

• CATEGORIES: Event, Features, Magazine, Old Images • TAGS: , This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE: Originally posted Feb 1, 2018:

1951-07-motortrend-jeep-gymkhana-calvacade-pg1-1The May 1951 issue of Motor Trend captured the 3rd Annual DeAnza Trail Jeep Cavalcade. The author, Ernest Reshovsky, titled the article “Jeep Gymkhana”, possibly attempting to reference timed automobile or equestrian contents designed to test driving skill, though to my knowledge the Cavalcade was not a timed event.

1951-07-motortrend-jeep-gymkhana-calvacade-title1951-07-motortrend-jeep-gymkhana-calvacade-text-lores 1951-07-motortrend-jeep-gymkhana-calvacade-pg1-2 1951-07-motortrend-jeep-gymkhana-calvacade-pg1-3



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Postcard & 1942 Photo of Ford GP “Super Jeep” 6×6

• CATEGORIES: Bantam-FordGP-WillysMA-EarlyJPs, Features, Old Images • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE II: There’s no date on this rare 6×6 Super Jeep postcard that I just picked up from eBay. I imagine this was published around 1942 or 43. It looks like the postcard was based on this press photo at the bottom of this post.

super-jeep-6x6-postcard-1 super-jeep-6x6-postcard-2


Originally poste on February 13, 2014: 

Craig spotted this rare photo. It shows a Ford GP 6×6, which also appears to be called a Ford GP T14 37mm. I’m not clear on how many were made, but this one (or something very similar) can be seen here: http://www.imcdb.org/vehicle_465000-Ford-GP-T14-37mm-GMC-1941.html

1942-04-18-ford-gp-6x6-1 1942-04-18-ford-gp-6x6-2

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1960 Wooden Nickel w/ CJ-5 on eBay

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Starting bid is $10. I’ve not listed another one of these, so I suspect they aren’t too common.

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“This is a vintage Wooden Nickel.
It’s from the Toledo Coin Club, Ohio.
1935-1960 Silver Anniversary
On the back is an advertisement for ‘Willys Motors, Inc’
Shows a topless Jeep in the center with ‘Beware of Imitations’ and ‘JEEP Universal’
It’s a real wood ‘coin’ .
It shows some color variation, either due to light staining or just the natural variations in the wood. (see photos)”

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2 FC-170 w/ Dump Bed Photos on eBay

• CATEGORIES: Features, Old Images This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

There are two photos of this FC from a 1959 show in Australia. Both are 8×10 photos.

  1. View all the information on eBay
  2. View all the information on eBay
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Jeep Willys Matchbook From Brazil on eBay

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

This (probably) rare matchbook comes from Porto Elegre in southern Brazil. It’s priced at $39, but seller is willing to consider offers.

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“Jeep Willys rare antique matchbook advertising vintage USA
Good condition
Very rare and collectible
Good condition
Shipping with tracking number and protected package”





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Year? Bluff Mountain Postcard w/ CJ-5 on eBay

• CATEGORIES: Features, Postcards This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

This is the first time I’ve run across this post card. The CJ-5 appears to have a bed extender on it. Bluff Mountain is in Northern North Carolina.

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“Unposted and in very good vintage condition. See zoom photos for detail. Back scanned white-actual color is vintage off-white. ”

bluff-mountain-nc-postcard-cj5-1 bluff-mountain-nc-postcard-cj5-2


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5 Ways You Are Destroying Your Engine Video

• CATEGORIES: Features, videos This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Bill shared this video. Some good reminders that the flathead needs love and care.

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April 14, 1954 Issue of Kaiser Willys New on eBay

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

This is priced at a ridiculous $275, so all I have are the pics from ebay.

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“RARE FIND, an original Kaiser-Willys News……Vol. 1, No. 3, published by the Kaiser-Willys Sales Division, Toledo, OH. Dated April 15, 1954 and featuring Kaiser-Willys automobiles of the era including Kaiser Darrin Sports Car, Kaiser Manhattan, Willys Aero, etc.”





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A Video of Nate’s Tracked CJ-5

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Nate shared a CJ-5 he put together for his tracks (he said it was a pain to remove them from his other jeep, so he has a jeep that will remain tracked. It sure looks like it works well!

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Rowdy’s Tracked Flattie in the Snow

• CATEGORIES: Features, videos This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Mike shared this video show RowdyWelder’s track-equipped flat fender tackling the snow.

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Gevarm Frence Jeep Model on eBay

• CATEGORIES: Features, toys This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Roger Martin shared this French jeep with a Gevarm mark on its underside. I haven’t seen another one of these. Given the box shows the jeep 1) in olive drab, 2) with a trailer, and 3) with armaments, I am wondering if this jeep should have those extras and be painted olive drab?

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french-model-jeep-gevarm0 french-model-jeep-gevarm1 french-model-jeep-gevarm2 french-model-jeep-gevarm3 french-model-jeep-gevarm4

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Mail Carrier Put 138,000 Miles on Wagon

• CATEGORIES: Features, Old Images, Old News Articles • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE: First posted October 15, 2017.

The February 1955 issue of Kaiser Willys News showcased a mail carrier who put 138,000 miles on a wagon in the Idaho/Yellowstone area.

1955-02-kaiser-willys-news-mail-carrier-wagon1 1955-02-kaiser-willys-news-mail-carrier-wagon2 1955-02-kaiser-willys-news-mail-carrier-wagon3

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Repairs To the Front Frame Rails

• CATEGORIES: Features, videos This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Roger shared this Youtube video by RowdyWelder who shares how he rebuilt the badly damaged front frames rails on this old jeep.

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Willys Jeep Dealership Sign Salem, OH $5900

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Tom shared this sign for sale.


“49 1/2″x 13 1/2″x 8″ 1 original Willys dealership flickering flashing sign”


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Merry Christmas

• CATEGORIES: Features, Old Images • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Mike shared this photo of a jeep turned present with Santa. It’s not one I can remember seeing. I hope you all have. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
