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Happy Thanksgiving!

• CATEGORIES: Artists/Drawings, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE: Other than checking emails and comments, I will likely be away from the site until Sunday. Everyone enjoy your Thanksgiving!

Here’s a republished post form 2018:


2018: Roberto Flores

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

If you’d like a nice story to read this Thanksgiving, you can try an article about Durwood J. Smith. The story contains both a jeep and a Thanksgiving memory on the Western Front (see Durwood’s pic below) … do you know how hard that combo is to find?? If not for Roberto Flores, we wouldn’t even have art depicting jeeps and turkeys together!!

Thanksgiving on the Western Front


PHOTO CREDIT: Charleen Smith-Riedel and Smithsonia Magazine

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March 1959 Willys-Overland Export Gala Plan Brochure

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

I won this rare early (first) Gala Brochure off of eBay. It is Form H1-3-59. The marketing document appears aimed at resorts and other tourist businesses. Interestingly, it appears conceptual in scope and doesn’t show any of the actual models available, other than what Las Brisas had done with DJ-3As. Note that on the back page it encourages interested parties to write to “Gala Plan, Willys Export Corp., Toledo 1, Ohio, U.S.A.”

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Perkins Diesel Conversion Packs Brochure on eBay

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

This one page brochure (I’m assuming there is info on the back?) is one I haven’t seen. If it weren’t for the UK postage, I’d grab it.

View all the information on eBay



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Baraboo Circus Jeep Train Postcard on eBay

• CATEGORIES: Features, Old Images • TAGS: , This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE: There’s another Baraboo Postcard on eBay.

(08/04/2014) This CJ-5 used to ferry visitors around Baraboo. I visited Barboo about two decades ago, but never saw it. It must have already been gone.


This jeep and tram toured through Baraboo, pointing out various circus sites, including final resting spots in Walnut Hill Cemetery.

This jeep and tram toured through Baraboo, pointing out various circus sites, including final resting spots in Walnut Hill Cemetery.

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1948? Champion Doo-All Trailer Brochure

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE: Here is what looks to be a Champion Doo-All Roll-Dump trailer for sale for $500. Thanks to Gary for spotting it. Gary contacted the seller and he is willing to transport it to Gary’s place for $50 in case anyone might be interested in this rare trailer. 


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I can find no date for this Champion Company Doo-All ‘Jeep” Trailer brochure. Give only CJ-2As are shown, I initially thought this was published around 1948. However, the lack of Jeep wagons or trucks may indicate the brochure was published earlier than that. The from number is S-3-T.

This first 8″x11.5″ page is the front page:


The brochure opens horizontally to review a second page.


The right page opens horizontally again, to reveal a trip-fold:


This is the back of the brochure:


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Lewis and Clark Cavern Jeep Railway Postcards on eBay

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features, Old Images, Postcards • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE II: This photo from eBay shows the front the “Dinosaur Jitney” jeep used to pull the tram.

View all the information on eBay



UPDATE Posted Aug 21, 2018: This was last published in 2012. A couple of the postcards are back on eBay.

Originally published November 10, 2012: The Lewis and Clark Cavern was Montana’s first State Park and is located here. You can read about the history of the caves here.  In 1947 the Montana Standard published an article about the cavern accompanied by the photo and caption below. You can view the entire article in this PDF file.

Here are three postcards related to this Jeep Railway.

1. View all the information on eBay

2. I haven’t seen this one on eBay in a while …

3. View all the information on eBay

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Circa 1950 Photo Coca-Cola Jeep on eBay

• CATEGORIES: Features, Old Images This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE: Still Available as of 02/13/2024

I thought this was an interesting photo of a modified WWII jeep.

View all the information on eBay


“tirage argentique année 1950 environ

Photo originale camion voiture publicitaire

JEEP COCA COLA avec conducteur
JEPP publicitaire Tour de France cycliste

Papier photo 17,5 cm x 12,5 cm

BON ÉTAT, petits défauts”

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1970 J-20 Saratoga Springs, NY $2500

• CATEGORIES: Features, Other 4x4s, Unusual • TAGS: , This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE: Still Available.

(10/28/2022) This former race-horse-track jeep has an unusual mod. Might make an unusual restoration. No description provided.


1970-j20-saratogasprings-ny1 1970-j20-saratogasprings-ny2

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Jeep Article with Several Assertions

• CATEGORIES: Features, Magazine This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.


Bill shared this article that includes several claims I hadn’t encountered. So, I figured I’d shared this to see what others thought:


  1. “A little known fact is that most United States wheeled vehicles were designed to stack with only limited modification”?
    Was this an actual design goal or a nice to have? Maybe this assertion is true, but I have only see a few examples of stacked jeeps. I can’t imagine the front clip of the Jeep underneath could handle extended shipping in this manner (which, by extension, suggests to me that it was never really ‘designed’ to do this).
  2. “The size of the jeep was dictated by the railroad cars that would carry it”?
    Again, this design aspect is news to me. My understanding is that the design was a carryover from the Bantam design, which was a carryover from the Bantam vehicle size. The short wheelbase was excellent for a light weight design and maneuvarability. 
  3. “The mass of the jeep was dictated by the ability to stack up to four high”?
    Again, I am unfamiliar with this claim.
  4. “Nearly every part of a jeep is catalog ordered…. The basic army Jeep was the same from start too finish”?
    I guess the term “same” would need to be defined, as the basic WWII jeep went through mini alterations over its life.
  5. “Post WW2 when there was a massive shortfall in available farm equipment, there was a period of around seven years when Jeeps were pressed into service as farm equipment.”?
    ummm … they were designed, tested, and marketed as farm vehicles starting during war time.

Anyway, check out the article for other claims.

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1946 Willys-Overland “GET A ‘JEEP'” Campaign

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Artists/Drawings, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE III: I just found an ad from the January 4, 1947, issue of Time Magazine that includes a “Get a ‘Jeep'” campaign. It’s on eBay.



(April 09, 2019) UPDATE II: There was at least one GET A ‘JEEP’ mailer that was distributed to current and potential jeep owners. 

UPDATE: As Terry pointed out, the GET A ‘JEEP’ campaign was likely a play off of the popular phrase Get a horse, the popular cry that greeted almost every automobile which appeared on the roads during the early years of the automobile. A 1930 article from the Saturday Evening Post also highlights the use of this phrase.

Starting in January of 1946, Willy’s Overland introduced the GET A ‘JEEP’ phrase to their Collier’s and Saturday Evening Post full-page ad campaign.


Examples of the GET A ‘JEEP’ campaign in the full page ads of the Saturday Evening Post.

The company also introduced a subtler GET A ‘JEEP’ magazine marketing strategy in the form of small cartoons.

So far,  I’ve only identified the publishing date of one cartoon, but I’m sure with time we can identify the others. As of a November 13, 1946, the cartoon ad campaign was still being used, but the December 14, 1946, full-page ad does not include that phrase.

  1. This GET A ‘JEEP’ ad appeared in the October 12, 1946, issue of Collier’s Magazine. Strangely, the only attribution is the “A product of WILLYS-OVERLAND MOTORS”. My conclusion is that this was a sneakier “ad” for the new jeep.


2. This version of the ad was published in a 1946 magazine. The cartoon print is available on eBay.


3. This one was found on Pinterest:


4. I’d published this one a few years ago. It was being sold on eBay.


5. This was posted on eBay for sale and labeled a 1946 ad:


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Cavalcade of Jeeps, II Brochure

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

This keepsake brochure lacks any date, but I presume to be the second tour of jeeps around part of the country, probably in 1948. The brochure cover page shows a Mahl Loader attached to one jeep and a Blue Star hardtop on another jeep. I wonder if a similar brochure was made for the first Cavalcade.

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Bendix Willys Radio Service Manuals on eBay

• CATEGORIES: Documents, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

I ran across one of these manuals, then a search led to other years of this brochure. Below is information from eBay on the 1961, 1963, 1965 and 1966 manuals:

1) 1961 This is a COPY of the Bendix Radio Service Manual for Willys Motors (but at least it shows the pages) (or there is this original version for much more):

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Jeep-Herders: The Movie

• CATEGORIES: Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE IV: I won this original Jeep Herders Movie Poster on eBay the other day. It’s a 40″x27″ lobby poster. It came with a lobby card with a still shot from the movie. I plan to make a scan of it so I can get a digital copy printed for display:



UPDATE III: Brian left this comment: “Thanks to the work of Eric Steadman at the Serial Squadron, Planet Picture’s “Jeep-Herders” (1946) has been restored and can now be seen in its entirety for free on youtube. See link below: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=owUmWZIHJRU
You can also help support the preservation of serials by purchasing a DVD copy of the restored Jeep-Herders at the Serial Squadron website: http://www.serialsquadron.com

A quick look through the movie on youtube and one of the jeeps looks to be a Ford GP MT Tug (6×6). There’s also a Ford GP and what looks to be (based on the sides) the original Ford Pygmy.


Last update April 12, 2018 — UPDATE II: See some still shots from the filming that show a couple Ford GPs.

UPDATE: This post once contained information on the El Dorado Jeepherders jeep club and their association with the placer miner and his pan ornament. I have moved the that information to this link.



In 1945, Planet Pictures, a new venture founded by two stuntmen, produced it’s first movie: Jeep-Herders, a full-length movie shot in color on 16mm film. Planet PIctures’ goal was to produce movies that could bypass theaters for play in schools and churches, as 16mm projectors were very common at the time and much cheaper than the 35mm projectors. In addition, there was growing interest in 16mm for large audiences, as an industrial film on 16mm was shown to a crowd of 6000 in 1945. (click on this link and scroll down a page).

The plot of the movie was pretty pedestrian, “A wildcat oil outfit is seeking to take over the ranch belonging to Pop Martin and his son Bob and daughter Helen. Bob sends his ex-army pals a “stay-way” message, which brings them on the double. The WW II vets use their jeeps, first for a cattle roundup, and then to round up the gang of crooks, including the crooked family-lawyer Thatcher, brains of the gang.”


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Various Updates

• CATEGORIES: Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

As usual, it’s been a busy few weeks around here. By late October, the awesome warm fall weather began giving way to colder than normal temps, so we became incentivized to finish outdoor stuff up before the really cold weather hit.

I added landscaping rock around the bunkhouse, the north side of the shop, and around the newly moved propane tank (still need to add the fence boards around the tank). The best part of this landscaping rock is that it was free, as our neighbor had a bunch of left over rock he wasn’t going to use. That saved us about $1000.

The dirt areas on either side of the walkway will become grass, but we ran out of time to complete the prep on that (may have to wait until Spring).

All the water systems have been blown and heaters installed in a couple areas related to the water systems. We didn’t quite get to burying the pipes underground for the cow’s water trough, so I buried a hose, which should work for the winter. (we did get the booster water pump fixed; didn’t cost much, so that was good)

To save on some feed costs, we lined up some of our panels so the cows can access the entrance for the neighbor’s property to eat down his pasture grass. This also saves me from having to drop hay during this cold snap.

Now, suddenly we are about a week away from Thanksgiving. Time sure does fly!

As a reminder, this is how things looked before the walkways and landscaping:


Here are some current pictures:

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Wood Jeep and Trailer

• CATEGORIES: Features, toys This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Andy shared this wood jeep and trailer he spotted on eBay. I liked the folk-art aspect and the size of it, so bought it. I’m sure it is a one-off creation of someones. Unfortunately, there are no markings.

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Fall 2022 Dispatcher Magazine is Here

• CATEGORIES: Features, Magazine This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

The newest edition of the Dispatcher Magazine arrived in my mailbox yesterday. One article in particular caught my eye: Dan’s gauge restoration. I could have used this a few years ago! Thanks for that writeup Dan!

Also, note the classified ad at the end of the magazine: the San Juan Scenic Jeep Tour business is for sale (and has been for at least a little while).

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Barney’s New Willys Jeep Sign

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Barney Goodwin shared the exciting news that his parts business acquired an early neon Willys Jeep sign to hang in his Waverly, Ohio, store. It is 80″ long and 30″ tall.

Barney is hoping to learn more about this sign’s place in Willys-Overland history. I shared with him my thoughts on it, but he is hoping to find documentable evidence about the sign. So, he figured he would reach out here.

In my opinion, he has two challenges. One, finding evidence for a date of manufacture would help place the sign in context (though there is plenty of physical circumstantial evidence in my opinion) and, two, finding documentation that indicates this was an OFFICIAL design offered and promoted by Willys-Overland (and not some dealer-created custom item).

I will update this post with the thoughts I shared with Barney at a later point, but I hoped to get some input from others before then.

IMG_1175 IMG_1167 IMG_0965 IMG_0964

Barney wrote, “I had wanted to announce this last summer but life got in the way. Last Spring we purchased this 1946 Willys Jeep neon sign to display inside our business.

We found it at the nation’s largest indoor antique mall in Springfield Ohio, and after 6 months was able to negotiate a price.

After we do more research, we hope to have an article in the Dispatcher Magazine about it.

In the meantime, we wanted to share it with the forum and invite comments about it, perhaps helping our research.

We believe, and have been told by the sign collecting world. That his is Willy’s first dealership marque sign from 1946. Notice that it does not have “CARS” or “TRUCKS” on it like the later ones did.

One sign collector said it was the only one of 2 known to still exist and the only one operational.

It is a 2-sided, bull-nosed, neon sign. It’s about 80” long and over 30” high.

The can is original paint – much more valuable than repainting it. The neon has been completely restored by a neon professional here in Ohio.

For our research, we are especially looking for comments with verifiable details.

With over 50 personal years involved with Jeep since high school, the appreciation of owning this cannot be overstated.”


Barney’s Jeep Parts LLC


To the best of the my knowledge, the only other sign like this that I’ve documented on eWillys is this one: http://www.ewillys.com/2015/10/29/rare-jeep-sign-bloomington-in-4500/

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1946 Press Release Packet for the ‘Jeep’ Station Wagon

• CATEGORIES: Documents, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

I thought I would score this incredibly rare July 24, 1946, Willys-Overland Press Release packet for the ‘Jeep” Station Wagon so I could share its contents with everyone, but $302 wasn’t high enough (it sold for $308). So, congrats to the winner. I did win a few other cool items though.

It’s construction and elements is similar to the previous year’s CJ-2A Press Release packet, documented here: http://www.ewillys.com/tag/1945-07-21-press-release-kit/?orderby=date&order=ASC&more=1

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Photo of M-151 With Odd Wheels on eBay

• CATEGORIES: Features, Old Images This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

The price ($99) is steep, but the photo is interesting. Anyone recognize those odd wheels?

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“Vintage Army Jeep Photograph Weird Prototype Tires
8 1/2 x 11″
I can not find another image like this anywhere/please advise
There is a reflection from my lights on the photograph”


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Year? CJ-5 Nevada City, CA **SOLD**

• CATEGORIES: CJ5, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE: **SOLD** Was $4500.

Bill spotted this rare CJ-5/Camper for sell. It’s listed as a 1966, but that seems to be an error given the large grille lights, which made their appearance in 1969, as did the camper.

“Super rare jeep camper, original, needs engine and restoration, great project for someone who wants to rebuild and maybe make a tiny home that disconnects from the jeep”

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1975 San Juan Scenic Jeep Tours Brochure & Post Card

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features, Postcards • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

This 1975 tri-fold brochure from San Juan Scenic Jeep Tours out of Ouray, Colorado, doesn’t show and FC Tour Jeeps, but it does have a wide photo that includes a Wagon Tour Jeep. Below the brochure is the front and back of a Scenic Jeep Tour postcard that features a wagon.



Here is the postcard I mentioned:

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Roy Evans Jeep Sign in Bartow, Georgia

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A few different people shared this jeep sign highlighting Roy Evan’s connection with the town of Bartow, Georgia. I didn’t know about the sign when we were in Georgia in 2018. We weren’t too far from it on our trip.


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Cutlas Bulldog(?) Hubs Wickenburg, AZ $125

• CATEGORIES: Features • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE: Still Available.

(10/02/022) These hubs look similar to Cutlas Bulldog hubs, but the design of the mid-section sides just below the “knob” is shaped slightly different (larger side scallops) than the image on the Bulldog brochure. Given the two section design, I will guess that these were a transition hub from the Cutlas Model 100-2 conical design to the later Bulldog hub design? Anyone have insights on these? I don’t have a brochure for these.


“Cutlas lock hubs, 10 spline for old jeeps and scouts. May trade for ammunition or towards firearms. No reloads!”


Bulldog example:


Here is another example in my archives. I also labeled these, perhaps incorrectly, “Bulldog” hubs:


I just discovered this set of Cutlas hubs for Chevys on eBay. They look like Bulldog hubs, but have no scallops at all along the mid section’s side:


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Marx Steel Pressed Toy Jeep St. Louis, MO $50

• CATEGORIES: Features, toys This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

G. Binks shared this toy jeep that badly needs a restoration.


“Vintage 1950s Marx Pressed Steel Willys Jeep 11″ L.”

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Anyone Know Who Made the Corn Picker for W-O?

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features, videos • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE: Any experts out there familiar with 1950s corn pickers? Barry Thomas from Farmjeep.com asked me to ask you all if anyone knows who built the Corn Picker branded by Willys-Overland (see brochure below). He thinks it was CO-OP, but doesn’t know for sure. You can view his whole corn-picking post here: https://www.farmjeep.com/farm-jeeps-at-corn-harvest-time/

In the meantime, enjoy this video of a CJ-5 pulling a corn picker:


Originally Posted May 15, 2020: 

This ‘Jeep’ Corn Picker brochure is form FS-514014. Any of these pickers survive?
1951-corn-picker-pg1-lores Photos
