While packing, I discovered I had two different version of this DJ-3A Dispatcher brochure from 1959. Willys-Motors published this brochure as Form No. 59-06, but then republished it under Form No. 59-06 R1.
The biggest visual change happens on the folded out page, where an extra yellow box has been removed and the text header repositioned.
The biggest textual change seems to be the subtraction of the “cast-in-head intake manifolding” from the foldout page in the gray area to the back page of the revision brochure, burying it under the specifications section under ENGINE.
It’s not clear to me that it was worth reprinting the entire ad for that change, but maybe I’m missing something.
This is the unfolded interior page:
This is what I call the back side of the unfolded page: