NEW UPDATE: Here are some more pics of the Scheneker Iron Works Demonstration Jeep that I snagged on eBay. The first pic shows the Dozerette. The other three show the snow plow.

This shows the same(?) Demonstration jeep with a lift bucket. I’m not certain whether it’s the same jeep or not.

UPDATED and posted April 18, 2020:

The Scheneker Iron Works company of Buffalo, New York, produced some interesting pieces of specialized equipment for the jeep. The first items appear in the Willys-Overland Special Equipment Book starting in the late 1940s and the last evidence of their association with the jeep was in 1957. Other than that, I could uncover very little about this company. So, if anyone has any more background information on Schenker, please let me know!
One early item produced by Schenker in the late 1940s was the “Jeep” Dozerette, a scraper.

Here is a more colorful ad:

Another odd item that I don’t remember ever seeing in the wild is this Scheneker all-purpose lift:

Another item which didn’t sell all too well was this Sheneker loader (none of the various loaders sold all that well).
I believe this is a Sheneker All Purpose Loader (see more pics here):

There are a few of these Scheneker backhoes around. Glenn shared one with us that was being rebuilt during our 2013 trip to Maine.

The last item, the snow plow, is what I believe to be the most common item manufactured by Scheneker. It was available from at least 1948 through 1957. Several of these have been for sale over the years, with and without jeeps.
Given the VEC CJ-2A and the lack of a model identifier, I believe these two images show “Model A”, or the first model:

As indicated on the second page below, these brochures appear to feature “Model B”:

Here’s a comparison between the first model and Model B:

Scheneker included a 30 day warrantee:

This early 1950s brochure features one of the company’s snowplows on a CJ-3A:

Here’s the earliest sign I have that the company produced a “V” model snow plow and a Model T for trucks and wagons:

At some point, the company introduced both a Model T (for Trucks and Wagons).

By 1957, Scheneker was manufacturing various snow plow models for CJ-5s, Trucks, Wagons, and FCs:

When the company ceased operations isn’t clear, but I have no brochures later than 1957.