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Auto Parts Sign with Bantam BRC-40 Image $800

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Bantam-FordGP-WillysMA-EarlyJPs, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Located in San Francisco, this sign supposed hung at Sherpa’s Auto Parts. Pretty cool sign. 8′ x 4′



“This sign is an awesome addition for any man cave. This sign hung in the Scherba’s Auto Parts Store on 32nd and Taraval Streets in San Francisco’s Sunset District for years before the store closed (currently the store is an O’Reilly’s). The sign is made from wood and is roughly 8 feet long and 4 feet wide.
This features a WWII era Jeep and the words “Military Jeep 1944” below the graphic. The price above is my “I don’t want to sell it” price so low ball offers will just be ignored.
I’m also open to trades of 50’s & 60’s porcelain automotive signs, Jeep grills, or street legal dirt bikes.”

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1959? Jeep Family Brochure from Canada

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

I won this rare brochure off of eBay last week. I’ve never seen another one. Wagons, DJ-3As and FCs dominate the photos.

This is the front page. It is 8.75″ wide by 6.5″ tall:


The back page is blank:


It opens vertically to this size: 1959-canada-jeep-family-brochure4

Then opens horizontally to this:


And this view is fully opened at 17.5″ wide by 23.5″ tall:

This is the back fully opened:




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FC Tour Jeep Updates

• CATEGORIES: Builds, Features • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

In between various chores, I’ve completed the gas pedal linkage. It is most definitely a stronger setup and, to be honest, a bit of overkill, but it should hold up well. I will get some better pics when I tear it apart for some final clean up and paint.


2024-05-19-gas-pedal-linkage1Underneath, there is a bracket that secures the cable in place and provides a place to secure the spring. Forward of that is the cam. When the pedal is depressed, the cam arm is pushed down, which rotates the assembly counter clockwise, pulling the accelerator cable forward. 
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You can also see in the pics the new cover plate where originally the transmission shifter would come through the wheel well and, in the case of this FC, a spot that was updated to accommodate the Wilwood proportioner. The proportioner has been turned sideways and now must be access via the engine compartment, which was done to stop curious hands from playing with it.

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Tapped 419’s DJ-5 Draught Jeep

• CATEGORIES: DJ-5 & DJ-6, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Jerry Huber shared this unusually modified DJ-5. It’s now a draught jeep, modified by and for Tapped 419, which provides draft beer (or root beer) for parties via a Fire Truck and now a DJ-5.





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Bravo Zulu House Looking for WW2 Jeep For Wall Art

• CATEGORIES: Features, wanted This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE: Tim is still looking for a WW2 body.

The Executive Director of the soon-to-open Bravo Zulu House & Trinity Sober Homes in Minnesota hopes to mount half a WW2 jeep on a wall as an art-piece. If you have a junk jeep you think might interest them, contact Tim Murray and 507 400 1973 or 612 251 6150 or
Tim @ bravozuluhouse.org (remove spaces from around the @).

“We are building an all-military sober in Minnesota that will be 1st in the country to help Veterans suffering from PTSD and substance abuse. See www.bravozuluhouse.org …. Looking to mount on the wall of great room a “cut down the middle” side view of a ww2 jeep (no engine, axels and gas tank removed, etc.) to lighten the “art”. I have volunteers to help with cutting and then painting the vehicle. We have a trucking company that will take care shipping. So basically looking for a WW2 Willys that nobody else (maybe?) would want (junk, no engine, etc.)”


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Six Years ago @ the Willys Reunion

• CATEGORIES: Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Let’s hope yesterday’s rain at the 2024 Willys Reunion gives way to some sun! There was at least a little sun in the evening, as shown by the Jeepster Man’s photo posted to Facebook.


Meanwhile, wow, time flies! It’s hard to believe that it’s been six years since we attended the Willys Reunion, which is happening this weekend. Pictured below is part of our Alaska Or Rust Crew from 2017, who reunited at the 2018 Reunion.

You can read more about the 2018 Willys Reunion specifically and our 2018 East Coast trip in general here: http://www.ewillys.com/2018/05/20/day-21-saturday-may-19th-mr-infamous/


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Hurst CJ-5 Fiberglass Front End Traverse City, MI $3000

• CATEGORIES: Features • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Here’s an interesting piece of history. According to the story, it is a promotion build Hurst Customs did for jeep. It’s unclear to me how many of these were made.


“A freaky Front Clip for sale – who is interested in a bit of Jeep mystery and history?
This front clip is from a promotional build Hurst Customs did for Jeep ..this was the time they partnered on the rare Hurst Jeepsters. I bought what came to be nicknamed the “Green Weenie” in early 1972 as the first retail owner from a Detroit dealer who got it from AMC — who had no interest in using it for promotions as intended….as they were scrambling to redesign the CJ5 anyway.
I would love to have someone use this fiberglass custom frontend to recreate either the bright green Hurst Jeep as pictured or use it for your custom build! It bolts onto a 71 or earlier CJ5 and I bet Jeepsters….i still have the Jeep but removed the front clip and stored over 30 years ago as I set up the Jeep to run the Rubicon.
Asking $3,000 front clip and side pipes. In Michigan but can be shipped pretty easily.


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Jeep Cavalcade to the San Juan Rockies Flag on eBay

• CATEGORIES: Features • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

The price is $60 or obo. Some folks flew these flags on their jeeps during the Jeep Cavalcades in Colorado.

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“This vintage Jeep Cavalcade car flag is a must-have for any collector of automobilia. The flag features a colorful design with the words “To The San Juan Rockies” prominently displayed. It was manufactured in the United States and is a rare find for those who appreciate the history and design of vintage car memorabilia.”

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Double Cola Win Jeep Cherokee Contest Can on eBay

• CATEGORIES: Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Here’s an odd one. Double Cola, a brand I’ve never seen, in 1994 sponsored a contest that included a Jeep Cherokee. This must have been a very special can to keep it around for 30 years!

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“Super rare Double Cola can, which was made with a plastic wrapped exterior. Win a Jeep Cherokee promotion. Empty 12 oz. can.  Canned under authority of the Double Cola Company,  Chattanooga, TN.”

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31st Annual 2024 Willys Reunion this Weekend

• CATEGORIES: Event, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE: Accidentally had this year as the 30th year!

This year marks the 31st time the Spring Willys Reunion has been held. My hope is that next year I or we can figure out a way to attend with the tour jeep in tow.


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Mobile Drilling, Inc, Booklet

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

I won a HiBid online auction yesterday that included this Mobile Drilling Inc., operation and parts booklet. I am hoping this proves an interesting document!


This was included in an odd assortment of jeep and non-jeep docs.


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Al-Toy Modified Body

• CATEGORIES: Features, toys This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE: Geoffrey won this Al-Toy body auction on eBay and then got the lights working. He’s wondering if anyone has a parts to help make it into more of a complete model?? It appears he needs wheels and a windshield at the very least.





Previous pics from ebay:

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The DJ-226 Truck Brochure From Canada

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

This truck brochure from Canada caught my eye on eBay, because it labeled the truck as a 2WD DJ-226. I suspect the brochure is from about 1960.

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Japanese Formula Desert Dog Brochure

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE: This post now contains better photos of the brochure.

I purchased this Japanese Formula Desert Dog brochure. I thought it was interesting that both solid and outlined version of the tires were offered simultaneously. I’ll update the pics when I receive the brochure.


japanese-formula-desert-dog-brochure2 japanese-formula-desert-dog-brochure3


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Night Skies

• CATEGORIES: Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

We stayed up extra late Friday night and were rewarded with clear, active skies! I took these photos with my iPhone (no filters, no adjustments later). However, the phone made these look much more colorful than they were to my eyes. Once I realized how cool the skies looked while using my phone, I walked around the property taking photos. We have a bunch of solar, motion detector lights, so they just added background light also.

But, before the night pics, I have one from Saturday. I was in the garden and looked over to see what I thought might be a dead cat … but, no, it was just sleeping.


Other notes … more progress was accomplished on the FC. The oil cooler fan bracket is all done, the cooler and fan attached, and the wiring ready for install. The gas pedal is nearly done, though I want to lighten the pivot portion of it.

One additional note. It seems the eye surgery I had last August has accelerated the cataract in that eye, which has resulted in some loss of vision. I’ve got new glasses arriving this coming week, so I hope that allows me to see good enough to race. Otherwise, I will have to get and recover from cataract surgery before racing … if not one thing, it’s another!

Okay, now the sky photos:

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Willys Custom Tracked Jeep

• CATEGORIES: Features, videos • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Bill shared this video of what I think is a customized tracked vehicle with a vintage jeep body and an inline six possibly from a jeep. I don’t know enough about these to comment on it.

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Raise Garden #2 Completed

• CATEGORIES: Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

The big spring project, operation Raised Garden #2, has finally concluded. The auto irrigation system is ready to go. Now, Ann just needs to finish planting and I need to put away the tools leaning against the shop (and paint the fencing around the propane tank).

Since first buying the place we’ve struggled with what to do with this dead zone between the shop and the guest house. Ann’s idea for 2nd garden area there looks like it will be a good idea. Here’s a before and after photo:


On Sunday, I returned to working on the FC. I finished a cover plate for the Wilwood hole (formerly the original shifter hole), and I built a bracket for the oil-cooler/electric fan setup (no pics just yet). Though I need to catch up on other projects waylaid as a result of the garden, I should have more time to work on the FC again.

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Article on MD Juan

• CATEGORIES: Features, videos This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Bill shared this article on MD Juan and some of the recent updates to their product line, along with some infrastructure updates. I know folks mock MD Juan at times, but their ability to manufacture inexpensive bodies means the company can’t invest heavily in additional equipment (chicken and egg situation). Nice to see the company continuing to support the vintage jeep community.


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Three Ecuadorian Jeep Mailers on eBay

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features, International This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Here are three Willys Overland Export Corporation mailers in Spanish distributed in Ecuador. The look to be printed around 1960 given the blue ‘Jeep’ dot and the single-pane willys wagon. These are priced at $18.00 and are pretty rare.

  1. View all the information on eBay (8.5″x11″)
  2. View all the information on eBay (11″x8.5″):
  3. View all the information on eBay (8.5″x11″):
  4. View all the information on eBay (11″x8.5″):
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Four New Jeep Watches

• CATEGORIES: Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Bill also shared this article regarding some new jeep-branded watches by Marathon. Maybe it will interest someone?

I haven’t worn a watch since about 2001 (by then I had a portable phone and computer as constant companions). I found over the years I didn’t like wearing watches, jewelry, bracelets or anything on my fingers. I don’t even wear my wedding ring often (thankfully I have a patient wife). I recently discovered my aunt has had a life-long aversion to wearing items on her fingers and wrist, so maybe a DNA thing?



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1956 Willys Truck Rebuild Thread

• CATEGORIES: Builds, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

This thread of a 1956 truck rebuild was shared by Bill. It looks like this has become a non-stock rebuild.



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Willys-Overland Universal Jeep 1945 Videos

• CATEGORIES: Features, videos This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE: This was first published October 14, 2019. The videos were dated as 1948, but Bill noted that the actual date of release was 1945.

Brendan, who used to run This-old-jeep, posted this 3-part video back in 2010. The video was produced by Willys-Overland to help sell the new CJ-2A. I don’t think I’ve ever seen them.

Part I:

Part II:

Part III:

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Jeepster Pen Stand on eBay

• CATEGORIES: Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

I can’t tell if this was a limited production item or a one-off creation. Anyone seen others like this? Currently priced at $199.99 or Make Offer.

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“Here is a rare vintage, Willys Overland Jeep Jeepster pen and pen stand. The pen and pen stand are in very good condition. The pen does not write. It stands about 10 3/4 inches tall. The base measures about 3 7/16 inches wide, 2 inches deep, and about 2 1/16 inches tall. I am not sure what the base is made of, it is fairly heavy.

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FC Tour Jeep Update – Driver’s Seat

• CATEGORIES: Builds, Features • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

It continues to be a busy month. Yesterday felt like a 2-step-forward, 1-step-back kind of day. The new raised garden is about done, as seen below. Still some details to complete, such as adding some plastic sheets at each corner of the raised beds, because, as it turns out, the corrugated sides create gaps at the corners, which allows dirt to fall onto the ground. So, we will need to dig up each corner and add some plastic sheets to stop that. Once we get all the plants in and gravel laid, I’ll take some final pics.


Yesterday morning I spent some time working on the FC. My goal had been to create the cover plate for the mini-gauges and power switch that will sit on the angled area of the dog house.


I cut a raw piece of 14 gauge steel, rounded the edges (not shown), then, to test the size and look, placed the plate on the dog house. That’s when I noticed the plate didn’t lay flat. After testing some flat edges, I eventually concluded that there’s a slight twist in the dog house at the very spot I want to put the gauges. It’s not undoable, but I’d rather the plate sat flat (passenger side is flat).

This pic shows the angle. You can see the slope increase as the angled portion moves to the front.


That problem led to me removing the driver’s seat (for the first time) so I could better evaluate my options.


I eventually concluded that it will take some clamps and braces to straighten it (if even possible). Since i didn’t feel like tackling that project right now, I turned to the driver’s seat.

First, I installed an original driver’s seat just to see how it fits vis-a-vis the steering wheel, which proved to be a comfortable angle (whew).


I removed the seat, then pondered the areas where the seat originally mounted. It was immediately clear that the original driver’s side seat mount areas had been patched and welded. My guess is that the area had been fatigued over the years. In addition, a portion of one seat mount bolt remained in it’s original hole, while the other mount area holes had been filled entirely.  Continue reading

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Jeepney Strike in Philippines

• CATEGORIES: Features, News • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Bill shared an updated article on the Jeepney situation in the Philippines. The push to eliminate Jeepney’s isn’t popular, which isn’t surprising given the cultural significance of them.
