UPDATE: This was $85,000 for the whole collection. I have found some related craigslist ads. See them below.
I’ve found a couple references to the sale of this collection. Anyone know more? Based on the pic to the right, these don’t appear in great condition. My guess is that this is over priced.
Here is a link to another reference at Hemmings, where I found the pic to the right.
Here’s a link to Hemmings that reads “WILLYS: elderly WW II veteran has vintage Jeep collection, 40s-60s, both military and civilian, must sell, best offer.”

1946 CJ-2A $4995
This one looks perfectly find. The price doesn’t seem that outrageous.
“1946 Willys C-J2A spruce green all original condition, partially restored with new canvas removable top – runs and drives – $4,995”

1948 CJ-2A $11,500
This one doesn’t look like it is in great condition. There’s no reason to think it is worth $11,500.
“1948 Willys C-J2A signal red fully restored and in great condition – $11,500– Firm”