UPDATE: **SOLD** Was $1500.
Seller doesn’t know a lot about this.

“** Update: lots of interest in this but I’m heading out of town for a couple of days. I’ll try to follow-up and arrange for showing(s) this weekend **
Selling my dad’s old Jeep. He bought it about 5 yrs ago as a project, then got sick and never got to fix it up. Bummer, as he was a real car guy and always, always wanted a WW2 era Jeep.
I don’t know a ton about this – from memory of him talking about it:
– I do *not* believe it’s a triple matching specimen. I believe he had determined that the transmission was likely a heavier duty one from ’46 (?). I don’t recall if he thought the engine was original. I have some hand-written notes where he was trying to record the details of the differences between the early running gear (but I can’t make sense of them).
– Was nearly running when he got it – turned over, etc. I don’t believe he ever fired it up, but I’m not 100% sure. At any rate, I know it hasn’t run in years (though has been under cover the entire time).
– Has a TITLE (California) in a previous owners name. I also have a note from when my dad bought it.
– Has a simple towbar (see pix) with (if I recall) a 1+7/8 ball. Tires appear to hold air.
– Appears to be generally complete (though I admit I don’t know what that really means for a vehicle of this vintage).
From my point of view it’s in semi-rough shape. I believe the previous owner used it as a hunting rig for a number of years – doesn’t look like it’s been registered for the road since mid 2006 (based on docs I have). See pix – there is diamond plate in the rear. Hood has sheet metal patches and I don’t think the hing is fully attached. Windshield frame will need some work to ever fold down. Has 3 seats that look they are outdoor/boat seats. Tub has been opened slightly to make space for the larger transmission (from memory). In general has a thick, very rough layer of paint.
That said, it’s a 1943 Jeep! 75+ years old, rolling and, and least according to what my dad thought, probably possible-to-get-running. Good for someone who knows these rigs, or wants a starting point for a rock crawler, or someone (like my dad) who just loved them and thought he’d get a chance to patch it together enough to have a fun weekend toy.
This is not likely to be in a museum ever, so please don’t come out here expecting to find a perfect vehicle! It will need some attention to get it going, and some semi-serious attention to get it looking truly sharp again. I’m not much of an old car guy so my knowledge will be (seriously) limited.
I have a (small) box with a few extra parts, some documentation (including the aforementioned title, previous registration docs, note from previous seller when my dad bought it, etc), and a ring with a few keys (which I’ve never tested). Obviously as-is. I freely admit I don’t know much about the value, but am trying to price it such that someone else with some knowledge can give it a go without breaking the bank. My dad would have liked that.”