“I have 3 Ford GPW tubs or bodies from World War 2. Plan on being at the Military show and swap meet in Effingham on Aug. 22-23. ANY interest in any of these bodies, I will bring them, otherwise they will stay home in WATSEKA. ILLINOIS, 60970. Take choice for $300 each and one is only $200. Two of them are script tubs. Let me know. Thanks”

UPDATE (06/19/2014) : Justin notes this seller has all kinds of MB & GPW parts. “I bought a GPW grill yesterday from this guy named Sam. He has any MB, GPW or civilian part you would need and he has multiples of each. From rolling frames, any F script marked parts, engines, trannys, anything you are looking for he has for sale. He is not “giving away” anything, but is very reasonably priced. He has quite a stockpile of great parts!”
Original Post (06/12/2014): Lots of stuff here. The jeep looks like it could use some work.
“I plan on attending the Military Swap Meet in late August there in Effingham. Will be bringing fenders, grills, axles, small parts, etc. Is there any interest in these large hard to load items?? Tubs, frames, axles, etc. ??? ALL WW2 Military Jeep original parts.”