…. I managed to schedule this morning’s update on the wrong date. And, it was just the simple update below:
We had a very slow start yesterday for reasons that shall remain in confidence due to the sensitive nature of the person who slowly got ready, delaying our departure, and who was not Ann nor I. The slow departure kept us from spending as much time as we’d hoped in downtown Fort Worth. More on that tomorrow.
Later on in the day, the two fast morning-dressers went out on their own and had a lovely afternoon meeting with Jesse and Andrea Ybarra, then a wonderful dinner with my niece, who is feeling the affects of being away from home as a Freshman in college. Our timing with her couldn’t have been better.
When we returned to the motorhome, I received an email that may lead to an incredible jeep-related opportunity, which could change our travel plans slightly. I’ll know more later today.
However, right now (that would be late Monday evening) I’m exhausted, so this is the only post for Tuesday morning. Stayed tuned …. I will post Tuesday afternoon if our travel plans change.