That St. Bernard is about as big as a jeep!
Old Images Research Archives
1944 Photo of General Henry Lewis w/jeep on eBay
Marc spotted this neat photo, but the price seems a bit steep?
“Large Photo about 8″ x 10″ from US Signal Corps. Censored on the reverse. This is General Henry Lewis, Chief of Staff for Bradley’s 12th Army. This is an original vintage WWII Photo.”
Jeep under German Troop Transport Photo on eBay
That’s a good shot of a German plane.
“American Jeep Under Tail of Junkers Transport WWII Dispatch Photo News Service
This is thin stock, put out by the Dispatch Photo News Service in New York during World War II. Measures roughly 10 3/4 x 12 1/2. Blank back. Has caption along the bottom telling about the picture. A friend told me this is offset lithography (dot pattern)”
More Pics from Charles
Here’s a range of photos Charles found on the internet.
1944 Photo of Paul Martz w/jeep on eBay
Paul Martz, Jr, from Somerset, Pennsylvania, learned he was a father of a boy, hence the new name of the jeep.
“You are bidding on an original 6 X 8 Press Photo of Paul Martz Jr France Father Somerset PA Jeep Paulette News. Small crease on bottom but is otherwise in very good condition. Please see scan for details. Thanks for looking. Photo is dated 1944.”
1952 Photo of Military Police in Germany on eBay
I thought the paint job on this was interesting. It has a “Customs” insignia in the middle of the windshield. I don’t remember seeing that on other MP jeeps.
Brit Joan Rogers Relaxes in a Jeep
This photo shows Joan Rogers sitting in the jeep she used to pass a driving test. She found the jeep ‘great fun’. She lived in London during WWII, serving in the Royal Army Pay Corp before being selected for officer training at the Women’s Royal Army Corps. The website TheMemoryProject shares her story of living through the bombing of London.
A Couple Navy Jeep Photos
APU Hood Numbers
Tom Sterndale was wondering if any knows the numbering system behind these Navy APU Hood numbers. Thanks to Aron for this great photo.
Centre D’Art’s Folk Art CJ-2A

1950 photo of the Centre D’Art CJ-2A. This is a snapshot from the US Information Service video shown below.

Note how much more complex the art looks in this photo than in the video. This is DeWitt Peters with his Centre D’Art CJ-2A.
In 1943, WWII conscientious objector and artist American DeWitt Peters chose to go to Haiti to teach English. After a year, he wrote to the Haiti’s Ministry of Education and suggested he could do more for Haiti by establishing a school of painting. Using some of his own money, along with US State Department and Haitian funds, he helped launch the LE CENTRE D’ART. The goal of the center was to encourage the development of Haiti artists and folk art.

Image is from Life Magazine circa 1947. This looks different from the other photos. It is possible the jeep was repainted regularly.
To help advertise the Center’s work, Dewitt Peters used his jeep as a rolling mural. As you can imagine, this color jeep must have been quite a sight motoring around Port-au-Prince. Dewitt also used the jeep to deliver art supplies to rural painters. The video below from the United States Information Service shows his jeep from timestamps 5:17 to about 8:00. Too bad it isn’t in color.
Many publications credit DeWitt for launching a renaissance in Haitian folk art, however some historians question his overall impact. However, one thing he might have launched is the Tap Tap Buses and Taxis, whose outsides are highly colorful and continue to shuffle riders to this day. Unfortunately, the Centre’ d’Art’s building was completely demolished in the Haitiian Earthquake.
Here are a few links of interest:
- Images of Tap tap vehicles
- Farewell, Fred Voodoo: A Letter from Haiti. Includes references to DeWitt Peters
- Life Magazine, August 1, 1947, article titled “Haitian Painting”, pgs 58-61.
- Tap Tap Bus — public transportation in Haiti. Photo courtesy of Wikipedia
Baby Bumps CJ-2A in Parade
There must be an interesting story here.
“JEEP CAR “BABY BUMPS” & COWBOY MEN PULL HORSE DECAL TRAILER! 1950s VINTAGE PHOTO! 3.5″ x 6″ VINTAGE snapshot photo in excellent condition.”
Photo of Lady in Swimsuit w/ Navy Firemen on eBay
Marc found this unusual official Navy photo. Besides sporting a lady on the back tire, this jeep has several unusual aspects, such as the front bumper, the odd piece sticking down near the muffler, and the aluminum(?) piece covering the cowl’s side.
Photos of Women and a Jeep on eBay
Here are a couple photos of women and a jeep from Europe.
View all the information on eBay
1942 Photo of Slat Grille MBs on Railroad Car on ebay
1942 Photos of Slat Grille Jeeps in the Sand on eBay
These three photos show Slat Grille MBs playing in the sand. All are available for sale on eBay.
1. View all the information on eBay
2. View all the information on eBay
Roger W. Hofheins’ Aqua Cheetah
Thanks to several readers who alerted me to some Ford GPA photos on eBay. After closer inspection (and a little studying) I learned this is not a SEEP and not built on the jeep chassis, but rather a vehicle called the Aqua Chetah built on a half-ton chassis and called a G552.
According to this Australian website, Roger W. Hofheins approached the US Military just prior to the US involvement in WWII about building an amphibious assault vehicle. Hofheins proceeded to create some designs and the Amphibian Car Corporation built them. According to, only four prototypes were built utilizing three different designs. As you can see in the photos below, its smooth front and cowl are quite a bit different than the GPAs. Its side profile isn’t as refined either.
There’s a neat video of one being tested in 1942 in Holabird, MD:
The Amphibian Car Co. was based in Buffalo, New York. At the Buffalo & Erie County Library is an eight page book published by the company. According to World Cat, there are also some archive information, including a newspaper article from 1941. If anyone has some time, it might be interesting to see what’s there.
1) First Photo for sale. View all the information on eBay
2) Second photo for sale. View all the information on eBay
3) Third photo for sale. View all the information on eBay:
More links, photos and information:
- Video:
- Amphibious Vehicles Website:
- The book Camp Edwards and Otis Air Force Base has some photos and information.
- The G503 site has a picture of one prototype being moved that was originally posted at photobucket.
- This site from the Netherlands has more information:
- Rotorua Duck Tours:
Vintage Photo of Woman Carried to Jeep on eBay
I suspect this couple was just married. You can’t say this woman didn’t know what she was getting herself into! Also, due to popular demand, I’ve added a “Women and Jeeps” Category.
1957 Photo of Woman with Dog and Jeep
Women Riding in Jeeps
Charles forwarded these two photos of women in jeeps.
Actress and singer Marlene Dietrich can be seen in the first photo:
The second photo shows Ruth Cowan, a reporter during WWII.
1943 Photo of the Ford GPA Production Line on eBay
I think this is the first photo of the GPA production line that I’ve seen.
“1943 Press Photo Sea Jeep production fro the Army in Dearborn Michigan”
1948 Photo of Canadian Jeep Getting Loaded on eBay
Why do they load the jeep with people in it?
“1948 Press Photo Canadian jeep being loaded at Pearl Harbor”
1962 Photos of Captain Harry Wilson’s M-38A1s in Egypt
Ed Wilson wanted to share some unusual jeeps photos from Egypt. They were taken in 1962 by his father Captain Harry Wilson during his United Nations duties in Egypt, while serving with the Canadian Army.
Ed notes that a few years ago his father searched for a tiny place called Sharm el-Sheikh where Harry and a fellow officer served during 1962. Their job was to look after a desalination plant. Instead of locating the hut where the two of them and a local family that cooked for them had lived, Harry was blown away to discover a billion dollar resort. No doubt the hut and the family are long gone.
Pics from Charles
The “MIL-GOVT” painted on the front of this jeep’s windshield was interesting. This is the American First Army near the Roer River.jpg
I’d think this was a movie, except that the identifying numbers on this GPW are taped over on the hood and windshield.
1950s Austrian Photo of M-38 and MP on eBay
1943 Photo of Dorothy Soderlund in North Africa on eBay
UPDATE: This photo of Dorothy Soderlund was purchased on eBay last May. Her niece, Nancy, discovered the photo on eWillys and wondered if an eWillys reader purchased the photo? As you can read in the comments, Nancy thought a great deal of her aunt Dorothy. If you purchased the photo, either comment below or contact me directly d @ to learn more about Dorothy from Nancy.
Isn’t this an unusual photo? Based on the folded caption on the back of the photo, Dorothy Soderlund was a State Department Employee who is holding a trophy made from a bomb casing and a baseball signed by Eisenhower (possibly Dwight).