I had hoped to have the race jeep all done by now so I could take it to the Moonshiner’s payday in Glenwood, but not this year. The priority shifted to Ann’s garden. She’s been such a big supporter of my jeep craziness over the years, that building her this garden was the least I could do. Now that the weather has cooled back down to normal temps, I should have the trip work around the pagoda and boxes done in the next couple of days.
The other thing that has slowed things down has been some weird health glitches. Hopefully, we have those issues under control and that won’t slow me down (for a while anyway).
Yesterday I finished up the seat mounts and the seat belt mounts on the racer. Next, the overhead dashboard needs finishing, but that is nearly done. After that, the side bars need mounting and the mud flaps setup. After that, the body and hood mounts need to be added. There are a few places that need some cleaning (read grinding) on the chassis, but otherwise it should be ready to clean and paint. So, almost there …