UPDATE: I posted this back in 2010 prior to Hans completing the project. Well, his GPW is complete and looks great. Unfortunately, we couldn’t locate any more history about this jeep (or at least I didn’t find any). Thanks to Roberto for updating me on this.
Sometime last year Hans purchased 1944 GPW 236146 from Menno Keizer, an auto/jeep dealer in the Netherlands. As part of the restoration process, Hans has been trying to track down the US owner of the Jeep. We know the title from the US points to an owner by the name of Tom Mitchell (may be deceased) and/or Susan (mitchell?) in Guntersville, Al. If you for some reason recognize this jeep or know anyone from Guntersville, please let us know.
You can view many pictures of the rebuild at his website or
Here’s what Hans bought:
Here’s the completed jeep: