Josh is looking for a reproduction of the rare orange Warn dash sticker below, though his original one (damaged in a fire) was blue
Does anyone know of any reproductions or even a quality image that he could get reproduced? Josh explains things below ….

The blue one below is apparently similar, but, like the one above, his did not include a reference to “Warn MFG CO” at the bottom).
These are examples of M16 hubs (he has M18 hubs).

Josh wrote: “I’m hoping you might have run across a locking hub dash sticker like the one attached at some point. My 1956 GMC NAPCO 4×4 had WARN model WL-15828 hubs, which are more commonly referred to as M18’s. My truck had a dash sticker ( actually it was inside the glovebox door ) that was identical to the orange image I attached [ed note … the image at top], except that it was printed in a medium blue color. I believe this type of sticker to be the predecessor to the more commonly seen type with the illustration of the WARN style locking dial. This particular sticker that I’ve attached a picture of was in an NOS set of hubs for a heavy duty IHC that was dated from 1956 or 57, as I recall.
Anyway, I’m hoping someone has this sticker and I can get it reproduced. I believe it to be the correct sticker for any WARN model hubs that predate the addition of the raised stamped area where the “M” series model number is typically stamped. That was added some time around 1965 or 1966 as best I can tell. As an example, I’ve attached a picture of what are typically referred to as M16 hubs, also a late 50’s NAPCO 1/2 ton application, but the one without the raised stamp area would have been stocked under the part number WL-54-21 originally.
My truck was severely damaged in a forest fire. Otherwise I’d go scan my own sticker and get it reproduced. Eventally I’d like to resurrect my truck, and this is a detail I want to be faithful to.”