The 1963 issue of Jeep News, Volume 9, Number 3, is only eight pages. I was surprised to learn on page one that the Kaiser-Jeep headquarters was established in Oakland; I didn’t know that had happened. Lower down on page one, it was interesting to see that despite the new name (Kaiser-Jeep), dealerships were to be listed under ‘Jeep’ in the “phone book”. For those too young to have used a “phone book”, ask you parents what that strange device was and how it was used (and, while at it, ask them about the Sears Christmas Wish Book, too).
Page two begins with an overview of the Fourth Annual Arizona Jeep Jamboree, sponsored by the Phoenix, Arizona, Jeep Club. I don’t have a sense of how popular this became or when it was halted (I assume it was halted?). Page two also contains a look at some of the upcoming Jeep ads. Page three notes the expanded presence of Kaiser-Jeep at fairs across the country.
Page four highlights dealer issues. Page five reports on the industry recognition Kaiser-Jeep received for the new brochures. Lower down on page five is the story of a Wagoneer climbing Mt. Haleakala in Hawaii. Page eight contains a variety of jeep photos from auto shows around the world. There’s also a photo of an FC-170, truck, and Wagoneer with campers.