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Crystal River Jeep Tours

• CATEGORIES: Features, News, Website • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Once again, wandering the internet today looking for information on mounting my steering wheel know resulted in several interesting posts.

This post is about a jeep tour business out of Marble, Colorado called Crystal River Jeep Tours.  You can visit the website or learn more about it from this 2008 trip with some video and this post with videos as well.

Here’s a little bit about the tours, ” Crystal River Jeep Tours is located in Marble, Colorado, where the pavement ends and the beauty begins.  CRJT was established in 1951 and ranks among the oldest adventure tour operations in the state. Take one of our guided tours to historic Crystal City and the Crystal Mill, experience the breathtaking views and wild flowers along the Lead King Basin road or the valley panorama from the top of Sheep Mountain. Overlook the Yule Marble Quarry from Treasure Mountain, or experience the Devils Punch Bowl at the foot of Schofield Pass.  Our guided tours are an experience found nowhere else in the world, which skirt the edge of the Maroon Bells-Snowmass wilderness area in the White River National Forest.”



2 Comments on “Crystal River Jeep Tours

  1. David Eilers

    Thanks for the note Glenn. Glad to hear there area variety of jeep options available. When we get to Marble sometime we’ll make sure to introduce ourselves.

    – Dave

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