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UPDATE: Was it Only Exhaustion? The Answer is Unclear

• CATEGORIES: News This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

I apologize for keeping everyone in the dark over the past week, but I felt it necessary so I could give you the best information I have.


But, before I begin, I just have to say that I greatly appreciate all the kind comments that were attached to the last post.  They were a wonderful counterpoint to an article I read while laying in the emergency room’s hospital bed (for 12 hours). The article stated that men are losing close-male friendships at a greater pace than ever before. So, as each of you added comments, I was a warmly reminded at just how many friends I have, even if we have never seen each other face-to-face.

So, why was I in the ER? The most important reason was to determine whether I was having either a stroke or a heart attack, as I was feeling some numbness along my face, arms, and hands, along with some light chest tension (there is also family history with both strokes and heart issues). Moreover, my ability to control my blood pressure had subsided, meaning when I laid down to rest, it was still high. All this had been preceded by several days of feeling odd.

The initial tests in the ER indicated that I was not having a heart attack (that was a plus), but the EKG suggested I might have had one a few days before.  Skipping over most of the drudgery and boredom that consumed my visit, eventually the next day they had me perform a stress test.

For those unfamiliar with it, imagine a very large ipod strapped to your side, affixed with multiple cables, along with body-hair-wrenching stickers attached to various parts of your body. Then, you climb on a tread mill and fast-walk it (in my head I thought I would be sprinting on it) as the heart tech raises the treadmill’s incline mode.

By the end of the stress test, I didn’t care what the results were: I felt great. It was the best I had felt in a couple weeks; I finally felt normal again. After that, I returned to my room and, while waiting for the results of the test, fell asleep.

Several hours later, I awoke to the nurse telling me I was going home. I guess the results were good enough that the doc didn’t bother to explain them to me. Besides, I had an appointment scheduled for July 1st with my new primary care provider, so I figured he would delve into the results with me.

At home I put myself on bedrest. I felt that if anything was a principal cause of all this, it was EXHAUSTION. So, that meant No eWillys, no computering (though I have been using my phone), and no physical labor for the near future. I am taking a long needed break from life, as best I can.

While waiting for the July 1st appointment to arrive, I also started some blood pressure medication. Unfortunately, that seems to have some side effects, but I can’t tell if it is the BP meds or some other issue causing them. After this third day of taking the meds (and feeling wierd), the first request I planned to make to my new doc was to remove me from the new med so I can establish a baseline of blood pressure and health. I need to know if there are lingering effects from this “Exhaustion” or if there was another factor that is causing some of the issues.

On positive side, my new doc explained to me that he felt I did not have a heart attack. Though he and I may have some debate over the state of my cholesterol (don’t get me started on that topic) and my blood pressure, overall he didn’t seem to have any worries about my health.

And, if you have any wonder as to why I was exhausted, not only had I been working my butt off for 4.5 months (getting the house ready to sell, packing, prepping the new house, then making changes to the new house), but I also stopped exercising (lack of time) and eating more poorly. Add to that, another cancer diagnosis for Ann’s mom (and the general friction we have with her). Then, there’s my own mother’s recent stroke(s) and the need to get her in a better situation, and the result is that I may have become overwhelmed by it all.

So, the plan of action is to get some rest (meaning keep ewillys on Hiatus for longer), start exercising again, start carefully tracking my blood pressure to establish a baseline, and do a sleep study. Hopefully, all this reset’s me back to my ol’ self.

Perhaps in another week or so I can add another report. Until then, I am doing my best to take care of myself.

Best wishes and again, sorry to worry you all (I have certainly been worried) and hopefully all this will work itself out just fine.

– Dave


52 Comments on “UPDATE: Was it Only Exhaustion? The Answer is Unclear

  1. Mitchell Carter

    Holy cow Dave! I have been so busy I haven’t had alot of time to scour E-willys like I had in the past…. Take care of yourself and your mom and of course everyone else. If you need anything, you know how to get ahold of me!

  2. David Eilers Post author

    Thanks Mitch … I’ve been feeling fine since re-hydrating back in early July. But, I’ve been pacing myself better and working out regularly (which always makes me feel better — I finished our gym in July). Ann’s weight restriction from her late-July surgery ends on September 9th, so we may make a day run over with a moving van to fill it with stuff on the 9th, 10th, or 11th. We can only do the day trip as Ann’s mom is struggling more than ever (we’ve literally saved her life twice over the last couple of days .. so she needs to have someone with her for us both to get away, but we need to get over to Seattle to move stuff asap).

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