I thought I had created a post about the various oil filter brackets years ago, but if I did, I can’t find it. So, here are the three type of brackets on l-heads from 1942-1965. (If anyone knows of others, let me know via the comments)
Triangle: The first type is the “triangle-style”. It’s a familiar one on WWII and CJ-2A engines.
OVAL: This second type, the “oval-style”, was likely on l-heads sometime and somewhere between 1950 and 1952 (as best as I can tell). These are pretty rare and the pic below is the best example I currently have.
Round: The third type, “the “round-style”, appeared on late 1952 l-heads and later on DJ-3As:
i like the late 60’s F-134 spin-on oil filters — spin it off and it dumps oil everywhere — its upside down
Good and useful information as always.
I added a bracket from the water pump bolt below to the filter mount to reduce the chance of cracking the mount again from vibration and stress of the weight of the filter suspended out there.. Most pics I have seen show welds there or are new mounts.
Yes, the upside down gas bowls and oil filter designs never made sense to me.
I too have seen many of these cracked (both of the round-holed ones I have were cracked, with one welded by the previous owner, that cracked again).
– Dave