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Three New Heifer Calves

• CATEGORIES: Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

For months we wondered if our three breeding cows were pregnant. We were sure about one, but not about the other two. Then, on Wednesday, within the span of 12 hours, all three gave birth to female calves. While we would have preferred steers (for meat), we are well set up with breeding cows for the upcoming years.

Updates delayed until Sat morning.

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9 Comments on “Three New Heifer Calves

  1. Frank


    That brings back memories of days gone bye.
    After I finished my obligations to my country, I attended college. Since I decided to be an Ag major, I worked at the College Beef Unit while going to school. One of the tricks I learned, that if the calf is rejected by the mother when trying to nurse or you are attempting to “use a bummer calf”, try spraying hair spray on the calf and the nose area per se of the mother. Don’t get any in the eyes.
    Yeah, I know, old wife’s tales, but it did work for us,


    I may get in trouble for posting this, but that is okay.

  2. Mark Johnson

    And just like that , your herd has doubled !! Congratulations !! Keepum close for a while, All the wild things seem to love calves. Good luck.
    Mark J

  3. Allan J. Knepper

    Dave……this sure takes me back to my formative years. Always had some livestock around on our parents 40acres when we were growing up. Lots of work and responsibility but lots of reward……porterhouse !
    Keep us up to speed on the growing family

  4. David Eilers Post author

    All: All the calves seem to be thriving, so we feel fortunate.

    Brian: no bull, but 100% beef! (and tastes great, too … we saved the hanging steaks from the two steers we butchered in March … oh boy, that was better than tenderloins!)

    Allan and Mark: We now have three cows, 1 year-old heifer, 1 year-old steer, and three brand-new calves (8 total). This positions us pretty well for future breeding, but not for near-term steers, which is a problem. (and the one steer is already sold … gets butchered in November). Thankfully, we have an offer from our neighbor to grab some young quality steers when he gets his next spring. So, we’ll likely get a few.

    The big debate was whether to have cows over the winter again this upcoming winter (winter was a pain last year as we weren’t well prepared for them). However, if we plan to have 7 cows/heifers over the winter, then we’ll need to buy steers in the spring to sell in the fall (and keep one for ourselves), but our acreage will only support about six cows over the summer (2.5 acres). So we will either need to sell some cows or buy some more acreage. It just so happens we may be able to buy some acreage across the street (5-10 acres). This preserves our eastern view for the foreseeable future and allows us to still visually monitor the animals, but means more fence lines, water, etc to manage. Ugh, decisions, decisions.

    Frank: You never know when those tips/tricks will prove useful! Thanks.

  5. Dave from Mn

    While steers are usually preferred for meat , I feel like we would do a heifer if need be. But that was like 50 years ago.

  6. David Eilers Post author

    Dave: You just reminded me that someone told me their favorite meet was a cow between her first and second offspring. So, I suppose that’s possibility.

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