UPDATE: Price dropped to $2900.
(10/22/2019) This has a variety of updates. It could use some “additional wiring to make it more street legal”.

“This is a cross between a 1952 willys CJ3a and a 1979 CJ5. The body and frame are 1952 with a title and registration in my name in hand to mach. The axles, dontless v6 engine, trans, powerstearing and seats came from a 79 CJ5.
Iv replaced with brand new since I’ve owned it in the last 9 months:
Power stearing box
Power stearing lines
Power stearing pump
Stearing column
Stearing shaft
Stearing wheel
Bikini top
Fuel pump
Air cleaner
Front calipers with pads
This thing runs strong, drives ok on the street for what it is. Great trail rig. It’s got wheel adapters on it to fit newer ford 8 lug wheels. It comes with a set of 33s too that are 5 on 5.5 so you can take the adoptors off if you dont like them. Could use some wiring to make it more street legal, brake lights and blinkers, wipers are inop. body is in fairly good shape, full soft top was new just before I bought it. not cut up or full of rust. Also comes with lots of extra parts. I’m asking $4500 obo”