Maggie mentioned to me that she was searching for a Jerry Can Tool Box someone built and displayed on line. With a little searching we tracked it down to I’ve included two pics of it below. You can see all the pics here.
Features Research Archives
Jeepster in Tahiti
Alex forwarded this picture of a Jeepster in Tahiti taken in 1951. As far as I’m concerned, any excuse to show a picture of Tahiti is a good excuse in my book!
Colin Provides Some Updates
Colin provided a couple updates. He’s got a new top for his Surrey and his son, Lee, got their CJ-2A project running for the first time.
Colin writes, “I had a new top put on the Surrey. Here are a couple of photos of it. I also attached a couple of photos of our project 1952 CJ3A that is nearing completion. It has a CJ2A windshield and is now 12V with upgraded larger 11″ brakes.It still has the L-134 4 banger, but also sports an electric winch, custom built rollbar and custom bikini top. These were taken the first time we fired it ran like a Swiss watch!”
Stephen’s Merry Christmas
A reader named Stephen is feeling quite Merry about this year’s Christmas after purchasing a CJ-2A project. Good luck and keep us updated!
Santa’s Sleigh Got Stuck Last Night
It seems Santa had to turn to an Orange CJ-2A to complete his duties last night. I’d like to give credit for the brave soul who snuck out and captured this photo; however, the reader(s) didn’t leave their name. (Actually, this photo came in from two different email addresses, neither of which had a name). I guess they were concerned they’d get some coal in their socks?
We’ll just call this wiki-leak-like photo a Santa-Leak!
Mobile Orientation Unit — Fritz Kaeser
Originally published in January of 2010″
In the two photos below, photographer Fritz Kaeser captured this Mobile Orientation Unit presentation on June 28, 1945, near Cividale, Italy (at least that’s the assumption as Cividale is scribbled on the back). I did a search on “Mobile Orientation Units”, but didn’t have any success learning more about them. Fritz ran a studio in Wisconsin before World War II and then headed to the Western U.S. after the war, photographing the American Southwest and the Rocky Mountains. These photographs are a part of Denver Library’s Western History Collection.
This photo shows the Tenth Mountain Division Information and Education’s Mobile Orientation Unit’s jeep-top stage parked in the middle of a grassy field during a discussion of the Pacific campaign. Pfc. Bob Wright (left) and Sergeant Ed Curry sit at tables atop the stage. Behind them is a banner with a map of Japan and the slogan: One war, one world. A jeep trailer contains a sound system and two loudspeakers, a third loud speaker is on the other side of the stage.
In the photo below, the Tenth Mountain Division Information and Education’s Mobile Orientation Unit holds a discussion of the Pacific campaign and invasion of Japan with soldiers from the 10th Mountain Division’s Quartermaster Battalion. T/4 Theodore “Ted” Lockwood uses a portable microphone amid the audience.
Buttercup’s ‘New’ Brother
A few months ago William shared the story of Buttercup. Well, he now reports that he found Buttercup a new brother. He also reports, definitively, that a CJ-2A will fit into the back of a Toyota Tundra. I think Toyota ought to add that to their tv commercials.
Here is the proof:
Some Scam Ads out of New Mexico
Recently, Mike wrote to me about several Willys related ads that appear to be scams out of New Mexico. The ads aren’t all the same, but are similar. Mike identified these common themes:
- No phone number
- No pictures
- Rush to sell
- Low affordable pricing
- Rural location outside of ABQ..
- Does not respond to local contact attempts.
Here are some links that you might find useful; my goal is to put together a more comprehensive collection of scams that are automobile focused.
From Fraud Guides:
Craigslist/eBay Car Scam:
From Craigslist:
eBay Scams:
Here is an example of a Craigslist Ad we believe is fake. If I am incorrect about this ad being dishonest, PLEASE contact me.
1945 X Army Willys jeep – $750 (Sandia Park N.M.)
Date: 2010-12-17, 12:54PM MST
Reply to: [Errors when replying to ads?]
1945 ex army jeep runs good , 4 cylinder engine original threw out, but needs some body work done , not serious some surface rust under the frame and also on top of the front fenders. I used this jeep to get around in the winter time for many years , very dependable old jeep, you can always get your money out of it if you decide to sell later, with more work to be done on it. This jeep will not drive very fast but it sure can climb up trails and mountains, and just in time for the snow here in new mexico, took it hunting deer many year ago, I went out early this morning this place was covered in snow I keep my jeep under my old shed , and it started right up with no problems, it has the 4×4 still working on it, I no longer going to need it because I am moving to t or c where it is a little more warmer, and I am getting somewhat older 78 years young cannot deal with this colder weather so email me to come see , first to come by with cash gets the jeep, please no trades or low offers , I will sell this jeep for my price I will have a better chance if it even snows more,. I just saw one on e ebay sell for much more than this, and the jeep was not even running. The jeep is sold as is no refunds , you buy it it is yours.
Anyone Recognize this 1962 6×6?
Rudolf emailed me from Bali yesterday. He’d spotted this Jeep advertised for sale as a 1962 6×6 Willys Jeep. He wondered if this was a custom project or the real deal. My guess was that this is a one-off custom project, especially since it has a number of civilian elements. Apparently, the seller swears this was in the war (which war?). Unfortunately, the seller has yet to respond to additional questions. Also, below is the only pic provided.
Note the unusual front hubs. I’ve never seen a 6×6 quite like this. Is this possibly some oddball created by a Willys licensed manufacturer?
Willys Automobile Line Ad in Life Magazine
From September 29, 1952, comes this Ad from Life Magazine, pages 40 and 41, titled “A World Famous Family … Each a Leader in its Field“.
Popular Science Post War Willys Article
Ok, ignore the “no update” post below. I do have one update. I found this article from Popular Science, August 1945, as part of my search (mentioned below).
Sgt. Richard A. Penry, Congressional Medal of Honor Memorial Military Museum
Located in Petaluma, California, The Richard Penry Medal of Honor Memorial Military Museum appears to have two Willys. One is well restored (though I have a question) and the Second one is part of a diorama and tipped on its side.
Here’s the first, a Slat Grille MB. These images are from Wikipedia. My question is … isn’t that front cross member from a GPW and not a MB? Or am I missing something?
The back of this MB:
Here’s the tipped over Willys. I couldn’t find a better pic of this.
Unusual Jeepney-Coke Item
Blaine spotted this unusual item. This appears to be some kind of 100 year celebration of the Philipines. How the Coke/Jeepney tribute add to this celebration is unclear to me.
Some Interesting Getty Images
I happened upon some Getty Images, so thought I’d do a search on Getty’s website. They have some cool images, though a variety I have seen in other places. Note that some of the descriptions and/or dates aren’t quite right. For example, the “date created” for the Willys MA image below is Jan 1, 1941. However, the Willys MA wasn’t delivered until April of 1941.
Click here to see all the Getty Images with the Search Term of “Willys”
1. This is a Willys MA
Getty Image #50470924 — Two soldiers sitting in Willys jeep parked on grass, fr. take on state the army just before US joined WWII, w. hangar-type bldgs. in bkgrd. (no caps). (Photo by Robert Yarnall Richie//Time Life Pictures/Getty Images).
2. Here’s another Willys MA
Getty Image #104406783 — FRANCE – SEPTEMBER 16: The jeep WILLYS can help the fisherman because it is semi-amphibious. Picture taken on September 16th, 1945. (Photo by Keystone-France/Gamma-Keystone via Getty Images)
3. Here are snow skiers in France
Getty Image #104422238 — UNSPECIFIED – JANUARY 01: Patrol Of Skiers With A Jeep Willys Circa 1940 (Photo by Keystone-France/Gamma-Keystone via Getty Images)
4. This is a color image from the D-day Preperations in England.
Getty Image #106893455 — High angle view of American troops and Ford GPWs (light utility vehicles very similar to Willys MB, both of which are commonly refered to as jeeps) aboard an unidentified landing craft, England, early June, 1944. The vessel is loaded as part of the preparations for invasion of France, the Normandy Landings, which began on June 6, 1944. (Photo by PhotoQuest/Getty Images)
5. A Rare Farm Jeep Photo (note the hood and windshield are inscribed with Jeep rather than Willys). This original photo is of the CJ-2 X26, identified by Fred Coldwell on page 165 of his book PreProduction Civilian Jeeps. He notes that for advertising purposes, a 2nd version of this photo was created, with the grille of the CJ-2 airbrushed to look like a standard CJ-2A grille (the mb grille and brush guard are wiped away).
Getty Image #104422239 — UNSPECIFIED – DECEMBER 16: The Jeep Willys Has Been Constructed For Works In The Usa In 1945. (Photo by Keystone-France/Gamma-Keystone via Getty Images)
Santa Stole My Jeep
Perhaps some of you have heard of this album, or at least the song, but it is new to me. It seems appropriate for the season!
Gerald Cheers Me Up
I wanted to thank everyone for the kind notes that wandered my direction in my hours of need. Fortunately, I was not so ill that I feared for my life; no, it was just a cold that I hoped I could sleep away (and am better today). None-the-less, Gerald took it upon himself to search the internet for a few pics that might cheer me up. Without going into his slightly twisted approach to this task, I will share the below pic.
I must say, I will never be well enough to lick chocolate off of a Jeep. Never …. hmmm … unless it is 60% Belgian Dark Chocolate. Only then will I even consider it.
I don’t know the history of the “lick off”, but I haven’t seen that much tongue action in years.
Winter Has Arrived …
Roberto got a change to take Altona out and play in the snow in Spain. I too got out and drove in the snow in Biscuit, but I don’t have a top … it was really cold! In fact, at one point a truck drove by me at about 40mph and launched slushy snow/water onto the hood, into the windshield and over the windshield into my lap! Fortunately, I had my snow bibs on and was dressed warm, so no damaged done …
Here’s some pics from Roberto:
A Few Forest Ranger Images
Brendan, from the This Old Jeep, found some great old images and history from the New York Conservation Department. Check out the ‘bumper card’ mod! Anyone know anything about this particular mod?
Jim’s 1947 CJ-2A
Jim recently purchased this nice looking CJ-2A.
He writes, “Here are a few pictures of my 1947 Willys CJ2A. It has had a ground up restoration several years ago. I bought it out of Kansas and now it is in the California Sierra Nevada Mountains where I use it at our cabin.
The Willys has a new tub body but original hood and tail gate. It has all the original plaques and auto numbers. All other parts reflect the period except a roll bar and a steering stabilizer. The engine runs like a sewing machine.
I am still working on it to make it better and original. The paint job also reflects the year. If I could find a restored flat fender with the original body and in this good of shape I might jump ship. Meanwhile I enjoy driving this vehicle where everything works like it did 63 years ago, which by the way is my age!”
Congrats Jim. It looks like fun 🙂
More From the Canadian National Archives
A few weeks ago I stumbled upon the National Archives of Canada the other day, discovering a variety of WWII Jeep images related to Canadian forces.
2. Troopers of the Three Rivers Regiment in a jeep, England, 22 July 1942.
Men & Women on the Assembly Line
Here are some more pics from the same source as yesterday’s pics (crated Jeeps and Seeps). These all show the assembly of jeeps at different stages in the process. Note this first image is backwards (the transfercases are all extending to the left rather than the right, unlike the second image).
Crated Jeeps
Gerald found an old email with some great links. Here are a few of some crated Willys. I don’t have any background or ownership information on them.
Happy Thanksgiving!
I’d hoped to develop some sort of Thanksgiving themed post to celebrate Thanksgiving, but as it turns out there really aren’t many images of jeeps dressed as turkeys … go figure.
Instead, I happened upon this NY Times story of a guy named Harry Allen and his dad’s truck. To get right to the point, Harry restored it ($40k) and it’s a beautiful restoration. There’s also a slide show that accompanies the story.
Andy’s 1947 CJ-2A Airport Jeep
A reader named Andy contacted me the other day about a flatfender that he purchased. He was told it was a former airport Jeep. Anyone recognize some of these mods? How about them rims!
Andy writes, “No data tags inside the body, but need to check the firewall tomorrow. The guy I bought the jeep from says that he saw another one with the same wheels on it at the hunting camp where he got this jeep …. There is some use of aluminum in this body, goes hand in hand with the airport shop mod theory …. It appears that the patches in the floors and sides were not really needed at the time they were done.. the body was still very sound in those areas. Looking in the wheel wells, you can see the original not rusted body covered by a layer of metal from the top. I think you may be right on the combination of manuf. top with some airport shop ‘extras’. Those doors sure are unique, I have not seen such before ..”
Flatfender Tow Truck
I found this image on the web at a fake webpage (on of those pages that aggregates a bunch of misc stuff in hopes of getting click throughs). It looks like a pretty cool build. Anyone ever seen it or know any history?