Dean Dujmovic contacted me about this jeep. It is located in Croatia presently. Seller can be reached at his US office phone (347) 242 2600 or on his mobile phone (917) 330 5522. Jeep is located in Rijeka, Croatia, European Union, his birth town. He is a US Citizen living in NYC where he owns and operates a Freight Forwarding Company specialized in transport of vehicles between USA and Europe. He can bring this car in US in 35 days, if there is a qualified buyer. There are several things that keep this from being all original (the rims and all the 12 volt equipment).
“Engine, transmission, clutch, differential, starter 12V, dynamo 12V, regulator 12V (it was communication vehicle and came originally with 12 V installation), brakes, fuel pump, water pump, all rebuilt and fully restored or replaced with new original or NOS parts. Re-wired. Has been driven only 700 Km from then. Body completely redone, floor panels changed (welded the way original floor was welded onto frame), fully sand blasted, primed and then completely painted. Not a single spot with rust!