News Research Archives

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Gary’s New Bell Crank

• CATEGORIES: How To, News, Vendors This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Do you have a problem with your Bell crank getting a little loose, affecting the steering on your old flattie?  But, you don’t want to go through the mods necessary or alter the originality of  the steering?

Gary’s friend Lawrence has developed a great solution.  Lawrence Elliot theorized that that the bell crank could be machined in a way to accept tapered roller bearings.  It is then fitted with a pin style adjustment.  As you can see in the pics below, the final product looks simple and slick.

If you are interested in having Lawrence build you one of these, you can contact him at 828-287-5275.  Thanks for sharing this great idea!

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No more need to Login

• CATEGORIES: News This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

No need to login to view the submenus .. but I guess that temporary plan didn’t work anyway … fortunately I have no ego wrapped in my coding abilities!

Actually, I thought my logging in idea had worked for users, until a reader pointed out that he still couldn’t see the sub menus even after logging in (thanks Robert!).  It was then I  discovered that I was the only person that could see the submenus …. cool for me but sucks for everyone else 🙁

So, after spending the day beating my head against my desk for several hours, injecting caffeine, and playing basketball … and it was a good day for bball … I finally found the culprit (some javascript related to the slideshow in the sidebar).  So, for the time being there won’t be a slideshow of past posts, but there will be submenus.

Updates later (and I’ll answer some emails which i have ignored all day to track down this problem).

– Dave

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3 Brochures for sale New Jersey $100

• CATEGORIES: News This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

I don’t follow brochure values at all and couldn’t tell you how rare, or not, these are.

“I have 3 brochures for sale. 1st is a WILLYS MOTOR INC. CJ-3B , 2nd is a WILLYS CJ-5 , 3rd is a KELLY STEEL-CAP brochure they are mint and selling for $100.00 each or $250.00 for all 3. thank you”

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Question regarding wheel size 16.5 x 8.25″

• CATEGORIES: News This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

A reader asked if anyone is familiar with any vehicle using a 16.5 x 8.25″ wheel with 33 x 12.50 x 16.5 tire?  The reader has some rims that he was told were original, but he can’t find anything about them.

More pics here

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Book Review: Michael Pollan’s ‘Food Rules’

• CATEGORIES: News This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

I’m sure, if I stretch and twist, I can make this post about Willys, but, frankly, it really has nothing to do with them.  So, fair warning….


As I’ve mentioned occasionally in posts, I like cooking and studying food related issues.  While I’ve thought about creating a 2nd blog related to these issues, I just haven’t gotten around to it.

About four years ago I asked myself a simple question, for reasons too long winded that I won’t go into them here, exactly what am I supposed to eat?  Along the way, I’ve read as many studies, books and articles as I could find that seemed reasonably interested in finding grounded answers, versus sources attempting to champion some superior form of eating.  Michael Pollan’s books were some that I felt met those standards (well, until his latest book anyway).

Michael Pollan

A few years ago, a journalist named Michael Pollan jumped square into the middle of the food discussion with a book called Ominvores Dilemma, which I felt was a very good first attempt at exploring the food system within which American’s operate and the viability of those systems.

In his second book on the topic, In Defense of Food, was less memorable, though still an interesting read.  This cemented his stature in the “what in the hell should we eat” consciousness of those interested in the topic.

In his third book, Food Rules, which I read last night, his journalistic senses went rogue (in my opinion), creating a book of food rules that I think, while generally helping most people,  are supported by a framework of vegetarianism that undermines the research credibility he gained in his first two books.  More to the point, the book ticked me off enough to write a review on Amazon.

I’ve published my review of the book below because, I suppose, I can; And, maybe, because some of you, maybe one of you, might find it interesting?


My Book Review of Food Rules:

I found this book disappointing.  After reading this book, I had to ask myself whether the person who wrote the Ominvore’s Dilemma, which I felt was a well done piece of journalism, was the same person who wrote this book.  While Omnivore’s dilemma reflected an earnest attempt at investigation and analysis, this book appears void of many of the lessons learned from that book. While Mr. Pollan notes that much of the ‘science’ for Food Rules comes from In Defense of Food, I can’t say that the conclusions I reached from In Defense were the same as the conclusions Mr. Pollan spells out in this new book (which means I need to re-read In Defense I suppose).

Now, let me note that most of his rules make good sense and will likely help many average Americans improve their health. However, I cannot ignore the glaring faults of this book.

There are two major concerns I have with Food Rules, the initial supposition and the conclusion.  The first concern, his definition of a Western Diet, one of two core facts he simply states are generally accepted facts in the world of nutrition, seems more to serve his conclusion (eat lots of vegetables) than to be a real attempt at definition. If we truly don’t understand the problem, how can we develop a rational conclusion?  I believe his hypothesis provides zero insight, when in fact it could provide a great deal of insight into the specific problems with most of the food that ‘Westerners’, or more specifically Americans, consume.  Based on the studies, literature and lay materials I have read, I see nothing to indicate that his interpretation of the ‘western diet’ is an accurate reflection of any kind of generally accepted wisdom.

The second, and bigger concern I have is Mr. Pollan’s perpetuation, without a shred of discussion, on page 51, of the argument that “Vegetarians are noticeably healthier than carnivores and live longer.”  One of the problems with this statement as fact (there are several problems here, but I won’t get into them all) is that most people aren’t carnivores; they are omnivores.  For a writer who wrote a book with the word OMNIVORE in the title, I expect him, if anyone, to understand this is not a minor issue.

In fact, this vegetarian vs. carnivore perception exists throughout this book.  For example, his rule number 19 states:  If it came from a plant eat it; if made at a plant, don’t.  To put it bluntly, where’s the beef here?  There are problems with the way beef is created!  So, I’d change #19 to:  If it came from a plant or dined on plants, eat it.  If it was made at a plant or grown at a plant (aka CAFO), don’t.  The point here is that a large portion of ‘carnivore products’, such as meat and dairy products, that are sold in most stores are nutritionally deficient (in Omnivore’s Dilemma, he made some fantastic points about this) because they are as manufactured as some vegetarian products (processed cereals come to mind).

Moreover, going back to my omnivore point, most people in the US consume nutritionally poor starches (french fries, baked potatoes, etc) or refined foods (burger buns, rolls, etc) along with their poor quality meats which likely undermines some of the potential value of meat/fat consumption.  In sum, we have a huge portion of the American population trying to be omnivores, eating a federally encouraged ‘balanced diet’, but, instead, can only consume low quality meats, dairy products, vegetables and refined foods that represent the mainstream foods (in most stores and restaurants) available to most Americans. To classify these people as carnivores misleads people who are truly trying to figure out what they should eat, along with muddling omnivore and carnivore research undeservedly together.

Mr. Pollan can do better and has done better.  Hopefully, his next book will be better.

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Photo of Jeep during Prohibition(?) $10

• CATEGORIES: Features, News, Old Images, Women & Jeeps This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

After seeing this ad multiple times, it got to me.  The seller claims in each ad that the photo below was taken during the Prohibition era.

I mean, c’mon, how difficult is it to look up Prohibition (1919 -1933) and look up when jeeps were built (nothing before 1940).  I mean, am I asking so much?

Now here’s a more complete version of the picture.  Note the jeep is atop wood slats which are atop beer bottles.

Ok, here’s the best one I found.  I thought I had posted it previously.


and a pic of the Andrew sisters .. is that them?  Could be.

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Update glitch — final update

• CATEGORIES: News This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE:  Final word

After playing with this issue for days, I kept running into similar problems; no matter what code I used to create the submenu, it wouldn’t work.  For reasons as yet unclear, users that are not logged in can’t access the code to make the menu run.

So, I have a big reminder to people that automatically pops up on all subpages when users are not logged, reminding you/them to log into the site to view the subpages.  I’ve also reinstalled some side menu widgets as well.

Please let me know if you encounter any problems ..

– D


I updated to the latest version of wordpress, which caused a couple glitches.  I’ve fixed most of them, but one strange issue is that when you aren’t logged it, you can’t see any sub pages.  Perhaps that’s been an ongoing issue about which i was unaware?

I’ll address this asap, but the front page works just fine.


– Dave

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Event: Bring your Willys Truck or Wagon to Moab

• CATEGORIES: Event, News This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Here’s an event targeted primarily at Willys Truck and Wagon owners, so if you have a Wagon or Truck, read onward.   Ken and Casey are organizing it, hoping to develop a stronger network of Truck and Wagon owners. I double checked this afternoon that the event is still happening and it’s a go.


“This is going to be a great time! We are really excited about this 1st annual event. Please RSVP so Casey and I know who is going to make it. Please feel free to call or email us anytime for more details.

Kevin Mereness 208 863-1718 /
Casey Dimmitt 714-478-1867 /

Please provide some basic information when you RSVP:

Full Name:
Phone Number:
Email Address:
Rig Info: Year, Make, Model, and some basic specs

We only ask that each of you donate $10 when you arrive at the event to help us cover some of the cost of the Saturday night BBQ. And if you feel like bringing something to share, please do.  We really want this to be a relaxing time for everyone. This is a family event.

Over the next few months, we will gather up some information on hotels. We will also try to get a group rate if possible.

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Mudbog and Arena Cross, Wenatchee Wa

• CATEGORIES: Event, News This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Steve wanted to let people in the Northwest know that there will be a Mudbog in Wenatchee in a couple weeks.  Here’s the information.

Event Mud Bog:  Promoter CheckeredFlagProductions, Dates 1-15 & 1-16, 2010.  Time gates open to public @ 7:30 pm
Web address

Location Town Toyota Center
1300 Walla Walla Ave.
Wenatchee, WA. 98801

Notes:  Racers contact Promoter for more info on eligibility and safety requirements prior to events Ensure your vehicle meets all the promoters safety requirements prior to showing up to events or you may be turned away.

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Happy New Year — 2nd Annual Report

• CATEGORIES: News This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

It’s been two years since I launched eWillys.  The growth during the first year was modest, though not unexpected, since I didn’t have much content and I never advertised the site. Below is what the site looked like originally. Clearly it’s matured.


Growth in 2009

In 2009,  traffic grew dramatically, increasing monthly from March through December.  The number of visits per month increased 437% over a 12 month period, reaching almost 70,000 visitors in December.  The number of Monthly Page Views jumped even more, growing 610% for a maximum of 338,000 page views in December.

I suspect the growth reflects increasing referrals from readers, better google results, and successful purchases and sales.  This has lead to more readers contributing their stories.  And, unlike the one complaint I had the first year, I had no complaints this year, which amazes me.  I must have pissed off at least one person?  Maybe I’m not doing something right? LOL.

Finally, the installation of some advertising has created just enough income to cover the hosting costs of the site for the past two years and the cost for the upcoming year.  And, especially in regard to the ebay content, the advertising is perfectly relevant to the site, so it’s a win-win for ebay, me and you.

International Participation

This year readership expanded beyond the US & Canada with readers contacting me from Germany, Columbia, Italy, Phillipines, Switzerland, India, Costa Rica, Israel, the UK and more.  We even got some pics from Afghanistan by US troops, demonstrating that the United States armed forces (probably unknowingly) are backing the eWillys effort.

Readers can now choose from over 5000 posts & pages to view and probably close to 10,000 images (I don’t have a good way to measure this).  I’ve done my best to categorize the posts and pages in ways that provide unique ways to view, learn and enjoy the content.  The eWillys main folder on my computer (which houses the entirety of the photos, movies, etc) has grown to 4.5 GB — reminder to self, back up computer!!

The Platform

During 2009, the folks at WordPress did a fabulous job of updating a stable, dependable platform capable of serving the large amount of content you see daily. They continue to provide significant updates to the platform (in fact, I have to make a major update soon), which has allowed me to easily organize data and provide new types of services at zero cost to me or you — that’s a price I can handle.

Despite all the improvements, there are still somethings I’d like to ad, especially in the content department.  So, there’s plenty of work left to do over the coming year.

The Future

Today, January 1, is on target to be the busiest traffic day ever.  That’s a great way to start the year. I expect to continue meeting the same level of service, tracking the sales/purchases of jeeps, and providing the types of stories I hope you find interesting.

In addition, this year I hope to move more offline with eWillys. For example, I’m investigating the possibility, with Randy’s prodding, of launching a magazine that covers old Willys.  However, instead of being about Willys directly, it would be about the people who own, like, dream or have caught the Willys sickness and their similar interests.  I’m still investigating, so my final decision has not been made.  But, my next step is to mockup an issue, which I have the software to build, and see if I can create what I want.

My second project for the year is to raise the seed capital I need to begin work on my Willys Exploratorium project.  This would include creating a 501c3 foundation and an LLC.

So, thanks to everyone for their interest in this Quixotic Project.  I know I’m learning lots from everyone else and I hope you are learning something new now and then as well.  Have a Happy New Year!

– Dave

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Remember to Play with your Willys …

• CATEGORIES: Builds, Features, News • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Paul wanted to wish everyone a happy ‘stainless’ new year and to tell you to remember to play with your Willys!

Paul writes, “By 7:30 this morning (Jan 1st) I was back in the garage working on the Willys (fitting the door seal upper attach flanges) and starting my twentyfifth year on this rebuild.  I hope to have the stainless Willys fully finished and on the road within the next two years where folks seeing it for the first time and unaware of the time I spent on this project will deem it an overnight success!  We do have long winter nights and the winter’s are kind of long but not THAT long.  Anyway, after the Jeep is done I have a 1951 military 1/4 ton trailer I plan on rebuilding out of stainless steel to match the Jeep.  This will be an easy job and shouldn’t take all that much time.

After all I’ve learned while fabricating the various stainless parts over the years I figure I could crank out another stainless Willys in fifteen years or so but I have other projects waiting for attention so I believe I’ll stop after completing this one.”

If you haven’t seen Paul’s project, click here.

And a pic of the Alaskan Wilderness:


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Not sure which Parade to watch on New Years?

• CATEGORIES: News This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Not sure which parade to watch on New Year’s Day?  Then watch the Rose Bowl Parade.  One of our reader’s, Kevin, tells me his daughter Alyson will be waving on float #83 (out of 91 floats) in the Rose Bowl Parade, so look for her and wave back!  She is Ms. Wheelchair California 2009 and Kevin’s a very proud papa, as he should be.  Congrats Alyson, Kevin and the whole family!!

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The Taco Bell Drive-Thru Diet?

• CATEGORIES: News This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

In the middle of a football game on ESPN I just witnessed a jaw dropping ad:  The Taco Bell Drive Thru Diet.  While the fine print claimed it was not a ‘diet plan’, it is clearly being marketed as a Diet Plan.  I mean, are they serious?

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Treadwright Tire Review from

• CATEGORIES: News This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Here’s a positive review of some retread tires from the IH8MUD website.

In other news, IH8MUD purchased in October. IH8MUD, led by Brian “Woody” Swearingen, plans to take over the site, as well as related domain names, content and Service Marks and move forward with new ideas, a new layout and plenty of new information and content.

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URLFAN — eWillys in the top 10% of websites?

• CATEGORIES: News This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Well, what do you know … URLFAN is currently ranking eWillys in the top 10% of all websites at #398129.  Given the demographic size of people interested in flat fender jeeps, that’s a pretty great ranking in my mind, even if I don’t think the ranking means anything.

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Popularity of Willys growing in India (from 2007)

• CATEGORIES: News This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.


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1946 CJ-2A Lynnwood, WA **SOLD**

• CATEGORIES: News • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE: Was $1500.

(12/09/09) This might be a great price!

“For Sale-1946 CJ-2A for sale, An all original unmolested survivor for sale. Runs! Complete! Flat Head Four cylinder. 6V Plywood Hard top has been taken off. Minimal Rust. More Photos upon request.”


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oops .. Sorry for the downtime

• CATEGORIES: News This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Apparently, there was a problem with the plugin that crashed the site.  Well, things are fixed now!  Hopefully, not too many people noticed!

– Dave

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No Posts – Update

• CATEGORIES: News This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE: I should really put the day of the “no post” up to eliminate any confusion about which day I’m talking about (which was Tuesday night).

Anyway, ever had one of those days where your ex-wife calls you to tell you that (1) instead of paying her mortgage, she chose to make other decisions with her money?  And, oh by the way, (2) the bank didn’t like that she didn’t make the payments, so, after a few discussions with the bank, (3) the bank put it up for auction and sold it.  Finally, (4) she was now calling me to let me know what had happened so that I could help support the kids through this emotionally!

Now, because my 3 kids live there and because I personally have $30k in equity (and she has $220k in equity), this is no minor mistake. Despite talking with her several times, I doubt I’m getting the full story.  She’s not stupid, but this was beyond dumb.

Seriously, what was she thinking?

So, while I like a break now and then, I would have much rather not had to have a break at all  ….


Sorry, I had a late night of driving. Drop by tomorrow PM for posts.


– Dave

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Craigslist Vs. eBay

• CATEGORIES: News This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

barterfarmfrontWithout Craigslist or eBay I doubt eWillys would exist. Therefore, I try to keep up with news about those two companies.   Also, after being a co-founder of an early online bartering system we called BarterFarm back in 2000 (see logo to the right), I have followed eBay, Craigslist, and other online classified-based companies over the past decade.     So, I found this article today in the Guardian very interesting.  I thought maybe a few readers would be interested in this too.

I knew that eBay had managed to purchase a sizeable chunk of Craigslist back in 2004, but I didn’t know the following.

1) eBay is fighting to get a board of directors position on the Craigslist board, because they own 28% of the company.

2) To keep this from happening, Craigslist has been attempting to dilute ownership so that eBay will own less than 25% of the company, which keeps eBay from being able to demand a board seat.

3) I knew that there are only a handful of employees at Craigslist (maybe 20?), but the revenues last year for Craigslist totaled about $100m.  That’s much, much higher than I expected!  Given the size of their employee base, I suspect they are either contracting out a lot of services or raking in a lot of cash.

4) eBay launched Kijiji, a competing classified website which I have seen around, but never took very seriously.

I’m not saying one venture is better than the other, but eBay would eat their own children, while Craigslist is a community focused, egalitarian venture (hence the lack of ads, the lack of a national or international company sponsored search engine, etc).  One is public, while the other is private.  One is entrenched in the center of San Jose and Silicon Valley, while the other is situated in the heart of San Francisco.  eBay only obtained ownership by purchasing private stock from an early founder or investor (I can’t remember which); this didn’t make the other owners very happy.  Therefore, this relationship is destined for a rocky relationship of some kind.

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Dash Example

• CATEGORIES: News This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

I found this example of a Dashboard at the Jeep 4×4 Center website.  I thought the details were really nicely exploded.  I’d like to build something like this for various jeeps.  It would certainly help me remember what is supposed to be where on various flatties.  Anyone run across diagrams like this for flatties?


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1946 CJ-2A Cayucos, CA **SOLD**

• CATEGORIES: News This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE: **SOLD** Was $1200.

I suppose the story goes like this, “One day, I parked it in the field and couldn’t start it, so I left it there …”?

“Perfect project vehicle or parts car. Has not run but 4 cyl. motor still turns.”


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Flat Fender Frenzy Aug 14-16, 2009 Bainbridge, Oh

• CATEGORIES: Club Runs, News This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

John forwarded me some pics from the August Flat Fender Frenzy. You can view more pics hereHere’s a link to pics from previous years.

John writes, “Our FFF was held aug. 14-16, at Lost Valley Jeep, Bainbridge Ohio. 15 flat fenders lined up for a Saturday trail ride. Jester Hill Grill was our feed’n hole. We camped at Pike Lake State Park.”



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Updates will occur infrequently tonight in-between Nazi Zombie sessions tonight (Karson’s visiting 🙂 )

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Hard top and windshield St. Clair, Mi $250

• CATEGORIES: News This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

This could be a good deal for someone.

“aluminum half cab , doors, m38 windshield frame 250 obo call Aaron @ 810 650 2136 ”
