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The 2024 PNW4WDA Convention

• CATEGORIES: Event, Features • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Here I am Wednesday finishing up the lettering Ann made using her Cricut machine. We’ll see if they hold up!

On Thursday we loaded up for our six-hour drive to the west side of the state for Summer Convention. This weekend was very much a test weekend, for the motorhome, for the race jeep, for the trailer carrying the race jeep, etc. And, it didn’t take long for us to run into a problem. When I attempted to hook the trailer to the back of the motorhome, I discovered the hitch and ball did not sit low enough, so when I hooked up the trailer, it was sitting at too much of an angle. Arghhhh! Since we planned to take the truck anyway (just in case we had a problem), we just hooked the trailer to the truck, which Ann drove.


Race jeep loaded and ready for the road.

We arrived early to get a good camping spot and to get through the tech inspection. An old jeep friend Mike Julsrud was manning the clipboard, so it was great to catch up with him. Many ears ago we raced against each other in the 20 and under class, called the “Under the Hill Gang”; these days, we are “way over the Hill Gang”, lol.

On Friday morning, following the 8am driver’s meeting, Ann accompanied me and other racers on a parade lap of the obstacle and cross country courses. It’s a nice way for folks to tour the courses together, get a sense of where to drive, and a great community event. One concern bubbled up during our drive, the engine got a little hotter than it should have. One suggestion was that the timing might need to shift slightly, so I’ll give that a try. The good news is that, during my first run, the temp stayed where it should.


Me at the driver’s meeting with Betty Page and Lizzy in tow. The dogs came with us this weekend and, to our surprise and relief, were really well behaved!


As we waited for the parade lap to begin, Diana Stafford photo bombed us in the Stafford’s race jeep.


Here we are starting the parade lap on the obstacle course. This course was more wide open than the cross country course, which is where the jeeps went next. That truck in front of us wasn’t racing; it was just taking the opportunity to tour the track.

In this first video that Ann took, we were on the obstacle course, I was puttering along in 2nd gear, low range, but the video makes it seem like I was going faster:

Here’s a second video Ann shot just a few seconds later: Continue reading

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Dispatcher Magazine Summer 2024 Has Arrived

• CATEGORIES: Features, Magazine • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

This summer’s Dispatcher Magazine included some highlights from the Great Willys Picnic, the Willys Rally, and the Spring Willys Reunion. It also included histories of AM General and the Willy 6×6, plus articles on block crack repairs and the Jeep Guy’s Museum, whose billboard we saw as we drove north through Utah, though we didn’t stop because 1) we were on a time crunch and 2) we didn’t know if the parking lot could accommodate the coach.2024-summer-dispatcher-mag1 2024-summer-dispatcher-mag2 2024-summer-dispatcher-mag3 2024-summer-dispatcher-mag4

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Next Updates Aug 20?

• CATEGORIES: Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Just a heads up, we will be leaving Thursday for the PNW4WDA Summer Convention in Ethyl, WA, but still have a variety of things to accomplish, so there might not be any updates until early next week. It depends on connectivity (seems like there was some the last time I was there).

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Video 2022 Namibia Flatfender Adventure

• CATEGORIES: Features, International, videos This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

You may remember that in early 2020, just before the first Covid surge, I’d been invited to join Claus and several of his friends on a flat fender trip through the southwestern African country of Namibia. I missed out on that opportunity, not only due to Covid, but also a whole range of family health issues made any type of extended journey impossible.

In 2022, Claus and his friends completed a tour of Namibia, with an excellent videographer in tow. The resulting montage from that trip has been wound into an excellent video. It looks like quite an adventure over some amazing scenery! Thanks for sharing Claus!

The video is blocked from being viewed remotely, so click on the image to go to YouTube. The video is 36 minutes long: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p9D2ZFnWOBQ



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1950s South African Angus Fire Jeep Brochure

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features, International This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

This rare brochure for an Angus “Invincible” Fire Engines was produced for South Africa. I looked for an example of an Angus Willys Fire engine jeep, but could not locate any examples. I had hoped this brochure had more images, but there’s only the one image on the cover.south-africa-angus-willys-fire-jeep-brochure1-lores






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South African DJ-3A Brochure

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features, International This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Here’s another brochure out of South Africa. I’m not sure what made the DJ-3A “More Dependable” than other Willys 2WD trucks, but it’s on the brochure, so it must be true?!?



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Odd Metal Toy Jeep St. Petersburg, FL $20

• CATEGORIES: Features, toys This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

metal-jeep-toy-stpetersburg-fl6 metal-jeep-toy-stpetersburg-fl7 metal-jeep-toy-stpetersburg-fl8 metal-jeep-toy-stpetersburg-fl9Here’s an unusual metal jeep. Thanks to Andy for sharing.

“Metal toy vehicle, looks like a Jeep. From Mexico, guessing 1950’s”

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Need an Altoy Tire? $8

• CATEGORIES: Features, toys This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Unclear if the seller has more than one nor what the shipping is, but here’s at least one for only $8.Thanks to Andy for sharing.


“Altoy tire,  Sold as Each, 2 and 3/8″”



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Hawaii-Style MB/GPW Body Apache Junction, AZ $800

• CATEGORIES: Features, MB, Parts • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE: Price dropped to $800.


Joe-in-Mesa’s friend Keith shared pics of this Hawaii-Style looking jeep. Keith is willing to sell it, but also wants to learn more about it.

To me, it looks like something someone brought to the US Mainland from Hawaii. You can compare this to the others we have documented here: http://www.ewillys.com/tag/hawaii-body/

If you have interest in it, feel free to email me and I’ll pass along Kieth’s info: d@deilers.com.

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eWillys Mobile HQ

• CATEGORIES: Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

On Wednesday, Ann and I returned from a very quick trip to St. George, where we purchased a 2003 Alpine 38′ Motor Coach with three slides. While I had my reservations about purchasing a vehicle like this, then driving 1000 miles in it, the rig performed flawlessly. We couldn’t have asked for more from it. Still, there’s a bunch of things we need to learn. Here are some pics.

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So, how did we arrive at choosing an Alpine? Well, that’s a bit of a story …  Continue reading

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May 1956 Willys Service and Parts News

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

After a few dud issues, this one has a few interesting items. Page two devotes almost half a page to Vacuum Power Brake Kits, like the kind that was installed on the DJ-3A when we bought it. This article shows that their installation was more common than I suspected.

On page four, there’s an article about the new “Fresh-Air” heater and cab ventilator and some of its advantages, along with a kit number. Also on page four, there’s an interesting article about the top bow rear brackets. First, their installation was cancelled in late 1955, but then Willys reversed that decision and added them again. So, there are some stock models made 1955 that didn’t have them.

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Pedal Jeep Sells for $10,500

• CATEGORIES: Features, toys This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE: The buyer backed out of the $8100 price, so it was reauctioned. The second time it sold for $10,500.

Thanks to Blaine for sharing this BaT Auction. This Sherwood pedal jeep sold for $8100!

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Old Photo with Jeep Pulling Floats

• CATEGORIES: Features, Old Images • TAGS: , , This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Roberto Flores shared this image from another group of an older jeep pulling floats. The hardtop is unusual and was usually seen in Europe, but it’s my guess that this was taken in California somewhere. I was able to use Google search to locate the same pic on Jalopy Journal.



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MB: From Jack’s Gov Surplus to Toledo Fest

• CATEGORIES: Features, wanted This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Thanks to Bill for sharing this news. Back in 2013 Ann and I drove by Jack’s Government Surplus outside of Tucson. We photographed this jeep. I assumed it was junk:


I’m sure others of you have seen the jeep as well. Well, that jeep was acquired and restored. Here it is at the 2024 Toledo Fest:


You can watch a video (that I can’t seem to embed) and read more here: https://www.wtol.com/article/life/automotive/jeep/toledoan-restores-wwii-era-jeep-for-showcase-at-toledo-jeep-fest/

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More Progress on the FC & New Mobile eWillys HQ

• CATEGORIES: Builds, Features • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

We’ve spent the past couple of weeks researching and viewing motorhomes (so much learned). We have decided upon one we like (powerful, 10k towing, easier to maintain, strong resell market, locally made, plentiful solar power), which I’ll unveil later this week, assuming everything goes well (we have a bit of a drive to go get it). I’ll discuss this more later.

It’s first ‘event’ will be in two weeks at the PNW4WDA summer convention. Here is a sneak peak (again, if all goes well);2003-alpine-38ft-coach-1

All that time and research, plus more heat and Ann’s short vacation, definitely slowed progress on the FC. But, I was able to get most of the wires labeled using Ann’s label maker, though I didn’t realize until half-way through that I could create multiple lines (insert head exploding emoji here); so, for example, “Bat-to-Ign” on one line could be better labeled “Battery to Ignition” on three lines.

Once I complete that task, then I can bind the wires up more tightly and cleanly and begin testing systems. As you can kind of see below (not the best pic), the wiper knob, the light switch, the ignition switch, the dash-turn blinkers, and the speedometer are all connected using plugs. They all have labels, so identifying their corresponding plug should be easy. In addition, I tried to use different types of plugs so that plugging something incorrectly would be nearly impossible. The lighter is also easy to unplug. More difficult is the three gauges under the dash, as two of them are mechanical (I couldn’t find 1.5″ electric temp and oil gauges). So, the gauge panel has to be unbolted if the dash is completely removed.


Here, most of the wires have been labeled. I can’t wait to clean up the spaghetti!


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April 1956 Willys Service and Parts News

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

This four-page service news has an interesting article on page two about one potential cause of driving vibration when traveling down grade. Page three includes an axle gear gauge block guide for various models. Finally, page four documents recommended service station colors, which isn’t something I’ve ever encountered.

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1955ish? Postcard of Wentworth Motors in Alabama on eBay

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features, Postcards This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

This postcard from Wentworth motors of Alabama appears to show a CJ-5 with a PTO supporting a posthole digger. So, I *think* this is from around 1955-56, given the lack of DJs or FCs. Note the Willys Bermuda in the parking lot. This would also suggest post 1955.

View all the information on eBay

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VIDEO: Driving a 1945 MB Through LA

• CATEGORIES: Features, videos This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Steve shared this video of a couple guys driving through the LA area. Good luck to them!

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March 1956 Willys Service and Parts News

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

I really didn’t find much of anything in this issue that interested me.

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1955? Hardtop Brochure on eBay

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE II: Here is a color version of the CJ-5 w/hardtop that appears in the brochure below. I found this on Flickr. One commenter there noted that, “Reinforced Plastics Corporation was in operation on Martha’s Vineyard from 1952 to 1959. They made these tops as well as other fiberglass items.”


UPDATE from October 26, 2017: Here’s another one of these rare brochures for sale. Thanks to Bill Norris and Derek Redmond for the extra pics. This brochure has been for sale on the same eBay pager for four years. It’s on sale at the moment.

This unusual fiberglass hardtop was created by the Reinforced Plastics Corp.  I have yet to see one in the wild. Two journal articles (Chemical Week 1957, Volume 81 and National Defense Transportation Journal 1957, Volumes 13-14) both have announcements for the new top, pegging its inception around mid-1957. Unfortunately, Google will only provide snipped views of these University of Michigan scanned journals. The date of these journals suggests the lister of this brochure is probably wrong about the 1955 date for the brochure.

View all the information on eBay

Continue reading

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February 1956 Willys Service and Parts News

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

This February 1956 issue shows repair part kits for wheel cylinders. Unless I am confused, certainly nothing extraordinary, it seems the newsletter is suggesting that CJ-2A, CJ-3A, CJ-3B, CJ-5, CJ-6 and DJ-3A all used the same Wheel Cylinder kits, but actually the DJ-3A, unfortunately, is different from all those.

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3 Jeep Al Toy Collection on eBay

• CATEGORIES: Features, toys This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Andy spotted these three Al-Toys for sale for $4000 or best offer. One pic shows two Al-Toy Fire Engine, but, according to the description, they are not included.

View all the information on eBay

“This Al Toy Toy Collection features a Jeepster, Truck, and Wagon, all in excellent working order. The intricate details of each vehicle will impress any collector or enthusiast. The collection includes toys from various eras, making it a great addition to any vintage toy collection. The vehicles are ready for display or play, and are sure to bring joy to anyone who owns them.”

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Louis Marx “Build-Up” Toy Jeep (from UK) on eBay

• CATEGORIES: Features, toys This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Andy shared this Louis Marx “Build-Up” plastic jeep kit, which looks a lot like the domestically produced Fix-All jeep. Note that the windshield on this jeep is broken (passenger arm).

View all the information on eBay

“Rear wheel axle plastic support broken missing as picks show plus front windshield one end broken missing.trolley jack missing.there are 5 wheels only 4 tyres. unsure if large red disc is for this?.the bonnet is very tight only opened as far as pics show didn’t want to force as might snap one or both lugs so beware on this.the grey tin lid with number eight will not come with this as I’m pretty certain it’s not for this”

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November 1955 Willys Service and Parts News

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

This November 1955 issue points out service bulletin 302 (have to look to see if I have that one), which introduces a new part to repair the column shift mechanism in wagons and sedan delivery vehicles.

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Drive and Dash

• CATEGORIES: Features • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

DASH: Yesterday was the first true relief from the past few weeks of hot weather, as we only hit 90 degrees. Moreover, there are no more triple digit days currently forecast. The cool weather will make working in the shop more tolerable.

And, while I haven’t made the progress I’d hoped, progress was made. A couple of the delays were part-related, as Ron Francis ignition switch was delayed a week. I also went ahead and ordered an NOS speedometer from Barney Goodwin at Barney’s Jeep Parts, which arrived on Tuesday (thanks again Barney). It looks fantastic!

Most of the wiring is complete, but still some loose ends dangling. It feels like for the two weeks I’ve been saying, “almost there …”

Anyway, below are photos of the dash, one with the fuse box down and one with it stowed away (lower left corner of pic)

One of the dash challenges that still remains is to build that lower flashing


DRIVE: Last Friday we drove over to the west side (and 77 degree temps .. nice) to look at a motorhome. It was a 36′ 1996 Holiday Rambler diesel with a towing capacity of 15Klbs. It used to be owned by Rob Stafford, before he upgraded to a bus. We were very serious about buying it, until Ann had an asthmatic reaction to the musty interior smell. So, we felt it best to pass on the deal. (and out was a deal at $12k .. it sold within a few days). We’ve decided to increase the budget and look for something nicer.