This Al-Toy truck sold on eBay yesterday for $565.
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Been a Busy Few Days
Monday I’ll have a regular update …
We’ve had family in town the last couple of days, so life’s been busy. The past week we also picked up Ann’s new Ford F-350 Lariat Dually, which will allow us to do some heavier towing, such as moving cattle around, pulling a tractor with our tilt trailer, and potentially towing a heavier jeep (more on this next month if everything goes as planned).
We happened to get lucky that Ann was at the Ford dealership testing out front seats on Wednesday when the new Dually was delivered from the factory, only to be declined by the person who had ordered it and put down a downpayment. That was good news for us, as there is an 8-10 month wait on these trucks. Ann loved the comfort of the seats, so that pretty much sold the truck. (We had been looking at a Cherry Red Silverado Dually 3500, which we really liked, but the seats weren’t very comfortable).
Here are just a couple pics:
This past week I also got this last of-the-big bunkhouse projects completed. The rear of the house wasn’t very good looking. The crawl space access had a wood lid that tilted down towards the house, so water could run into a portion of the crawl space. In the middle is a septic pump that moves waste from the bunkhouse to the septic tank. To the right of that is the crawl space access. In front of both items is an area where the septic pipe from the pump drops into the ground (so needs to be covered.
Perhaps the biggest challenge was using reclaimed, deformed and twisted pressure treated wood to build this. Between cutting down he pieces and using clamps, I was able to straighten the wood enough to make it usable. Now instead of two different doors for accessing the pump and crawl space there is one larger door.
Year? ‘Jeep’ News Vol 1. No. 4
Thanks to Jan, we can have a look at the No. 4 issue of the ‘Jeep’ News. It’s unclear when this was published, but late 1947 seems most likely. The name Russ Borg is printed just above the ‘Jeep’ News name, though the H&R Repair Service out of Lohrville, Iowa, is listed on the back as a place to go for a free demonstration. The only reference I could find to Russ Borg was that he was involved with on in the Warner Brother’s movie studio.
1947 Jeep News Vol.1 No. 3
Thanks again to Jan for sharing another early Jeep News magazine. This one is titled Milt. Henry’s ‘Jeep’ News. There is a reference to a jeep bought in early 1947, so my guess is that this was published sometime in mid 1947. The jeep-related company advertised on the back of this issue is Lincoln St. Garage, 7 Lincoln St., West Medway, Massachusetts.
1958? CJ-3B Australian Brochure
I am guessing that based on the reference to right-hand driving, and given that jeep manufacturing was introduced in the summer of 1958 in Australia, that this brochure is likely from 1958.
Here is the front of the brochure:
The is the back when folded:
The brochure opens horizontally at first:
Next it opens vertically:
April 1966 Front Wheel Drive Concept Jeep Car
I spotted this concept vehicle document on eBay. It was so unusual, I thought I’d snag it. Each of the pages is within plastic, which seemed strange, too (see first pic). Anyone have more information on this? Note the use of the Corvair engine and other parts.
The shape of the car seems similar to that of a Studebaker Avanti (sold a few years earlier) or the later American Motors Corp’s concept AMX-GT, built prior to the merger between AMC and Kaiser-Jeep.
Reproduction Body Governor Bump Stamped Hole
Barney noticed that this CJ-3A has a non-punched governor hole that looks slightly different from a standard stock body. This *might* be another item to look for in an aftermarket body. He noted that he isn’t 100% sure this green body isn’t stock, but it’s something to look for when reviewing a jeep.
Anyone else notice this on aftermarket bodies? Or, anyone notice that the shape of the stock stamp changes over the years, making this observation less dependable for spotting aftermarket bodies?
This photo of a red body is Barney’s jeep with a non-stock body. Now how rounded the surface of the bump is:
This is the green body from this post. It too appears rounded on the surface (and the inside looks like it has additional texture):
This is a stock 1947 CJ-2A body. The Governor bump is flatter:
More info:
Warn Brochure Collection **SOLD**
This Warn brochure collection sold yesterday for $242 on eBay (I was the second highest bidder). There are a few brochures I hadn’t seen before, but most I have. The inclusion of several San Angelo Die Casting brochures was interesting as well, such as the “East Cook Camping Unit”.
January 1947 Willys-Overland Sales News
Thanks to Jan for sharing this rare sixteen-page January 1947 issue of Willys-Overland Sales News!
I’m not very familiar with these nor do I know how many issues were released, but I assume this style of magazine was discontinued once the Salesbuilder magazines were created in mid-1948.
2 Off-Road Racing Jeeps Shamokin, PA Estate Auction
These two racing jeeps will be auctioned Saturday October 8th, 2022.
(Approx. 1.5 miles east of Route 225/Hunter Station)
Sneaky Snake:
Timber Rattler:
Interesting Wood Jeep from 1999
Here’s the model I mentioned a few days ago. The date still looks to indicate that it was built in 1999. The builder’s name looks more like “Arbets” to me, but I can’t tell for sure.
The workmanship is great. It assembles easily and precisely. It’s a cool jeep. I’ve included the Ogelsby for comparison. Here it is disassembled.
Name and date on bottom of chassis:
Body on chassis:
Seats on chassis:
Front clip on chassis:
More Jeep ‘Toys’
Joe-in-Mesa and his wife Jan like to explore antique stores while exploring towns throughout Arizona. Every once in a while I get a call or text from Joe telling me he found a good deal on a model jeep, which usually ends up costing me money, lol. Thanks for being on the hunt Joe!
This time he spotted three models at the same shop. The Ogelsby was in particularly good condition, so I couldn’t pass that one up. The pink Surrey was another good price. Finally, the Tonka Jeepster Convertible was one I didn’t have, so I told him to throw that in as well.
Year? ‘Jeep’ News V. 1 No. 6
UPDATE: Thanks to Jan for pointing out that on page 4 are two photos of a 2A with a driver’s side spare tire. That would suggest that this issue was printed later than around mid-1948. Given the Santa highlight on the cover, I’d say the Fall/Winter of 1948 prior to the introduction of the CJ-3A. If that’s the case, then maybe these came out every six months?
Thanks to Jan in the Netherlands for sharing a scanned version of the late 1940s issue of ‘Jeep’ News Volume 1, Number 6. The “Cristie’s” at the top of the banner is a reference to Cristie’s Garage out of Monticello, New York.
I wonder if the Mahl Loader shown in a photo on Page 6 out of Minnesota is the one that was restored here.
Jeep-looking Domino Machine Project
Peter shared this ” domino machine” that has a jeep-look to it. It auto-arranges dominos so they can fall in an orderly manner.
Nellybelle Pedal Jeep Fishers, IN $850
Roger Martin spotted this original-condition Nellybelle Roy Rogers pedal jeep.
“1950’s pedal car Nellybelle from Roy Rogers TV show. Bought new tires but not installed. I was debating on restoring but decided to leave as is. Shows value from 2015 auction (not this jeep.) Windshield folds down. Mecum is selling one in September.”
Kentucky Mountain Scenic ‘Jeep’ Tours in an FC
This June 28, 1970, article form the Lexington Herald describes tours of Kentucky’s Red River area via a modified FC-170. The business was started by Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bowen with a VW bus, but it’s easy to imagine that a better vehicle was needed.
I looked for additional articles about this endeavor, but didn’t have any luck locating anything.
1959 FC-150 Drag Jeep Grayson, KY $32,500
Roger Martin shared this old school modified FC-150 called Jumping Jeep.
“Great wheelstander
1 of a kind
Runs on alcohol
Body great condition
Blower motor runs great
Trades ”
July 1948 Color Jeepster Ad from Newspaper eBay
The seller only wants $10 for this ad. I suspect there aren’t many of these ads out there. It appeared in the July 22, 1948, edition of the Cleveland Plain Dealer.
View all the information on eBay
“This ad is included in a full page that came from a July 22, 1948 edition of a Cleveland Plain Dealer newspaper. ”
2022 FC Jamboree Sept 9th and 10th Lake Mills, IA
UPDATE: September has arrived; this is only 9 days away!
Just never a week from the FC Jamboree in Lake Mills, Iowa. Dan welcomes all jeep FC’s in ANY condition, running or not!! This year Smoking Joe’s will be providing lunch on Saturday.
It’s been a long two months, but the bunkhouse exterior remodel is almost done. In the last week I have finished up the side deck and the front step. Unfortunately, the first time I installed the front step posts I was off by half an inch on one side and an inch on the other. So, I had to dig them up and re-position them. Ugh … anyway, I got everything fixed yesterday.
Yesterday, instead of doing updates, I felt my age as I moved 65 bales of hay in 95 degree heat from the neighbor’s pasture to our place. It proved to be a good workout! We’ll likely buy all of his next batch (last cutting of the year) as well, making us well-stocked for the winter.
Tom Cruze has been a busy body. Here he is checking our the huge nectarines that have emerged (to our surprise). It seems trimming the tree this spring did wonders for both the nectarines and the peaches (also much bigger than last year).
When not climbing, Tom Cruze continues to be “one of the dogs”. Here he is showing the girls how tough he is. He’s also begun accompanying the girls outside to close the gate (a nightly excuse to take the girls for a walk). The first pic is pre-mayhem:
1954 Universal and Farm Jeep Parts List
Barry snagged this rare documents off of eBay, then posted it to share with everyone. It’s a great find!
Redycut Post War Sport Jeep Sedan Model eBay
This is a rare, unusual “sport jeep” model. It’s priced at $40 with free shipping.
1946? Issue of ‘Jeep’ News
Many thanks to long-time reader Dave Nelson for sending me this rare copy of ‘Jeep’ News. While there is no date stamp that I could find, there is a reference to an April 1946 study in one of the articles; yet, none of the jeeps pictured has the later 2A grille. So, I’m going to guess this is a summer 1946 document.
Also strange is that this wasn’t published out of Toledo. Instead, the mail address is listed as “Jeep” NEWS, Room 700, 305 East 45th South, New York 17, NY.
Finally, also strange, is that a colorized version of this was also produced and it included a reference to the magazine being Vol 1 No 1. If there was a second ‘Jeep’ News made, I have not seen it. My guess is that this was meant to be an advertising piece for dealerships, but it didn’t pan out, so was pulled after one (or a few) issues.
I published this last year
Here’s the full issue from Dave:
Sept 1954 Farm Jeep Newspaper Ad
I was surprised to see this ad published as late at September 3, 1954, because it highlights the CJ-3A-based “Farm Jeep” (see halfway down in the ad). It was printed in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram.
Hy-Rails at Curbside Classic
This short article (with far too many ads) shows some of the Hy-Rail jeep examples over the years. Thanks to Bill for sharing it.